今天我们再来分享一个CSC的单细胞课程视频,Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with Chipster course (2018)[1] 该课程介绍单细胞RNA-seq数据分析方法,工具和文件格式。它涵盖了从原始读取到数字基因表达矩阵(DGE)的DropSeq数据的预处理,以及如何使用Seurat工具进行聚类查找细胞亚群。练习中同时使用了DropSeq和10X Geno...
最近发现了一门剑桥大学的单细胞RNA-seq分析课程,读过之后觉得讲得非常全面,将单细胞RNA-seq分析的前世今生讲得非常透彻,因此与大家共享。 课程原链接:https://www.singlecellcourse.org 1.1 单细胞RNA测序概述 RNA-seq可以以高效且经济的方式描述样本中的转录本,它是2000年代后期的一个重大突破并越来越流行,在很...
前言 这次学习的本体是来自剑桥大学: Vladimir Kiselev, Tallulah Andrews, Davis McCarthy and Martin Hemberg几位大佬建立的course→Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data以及来自哈佛大学医学院的McCarroll Lab的Computational resources的CookBook University of Cambridge Harvard Medical School NOTIFICATION!:10月30号和...
最近发现了一门剑桥大学的单细胞RNA-seq分析课程,读过之后觉得讲得非常全面,将单细胞RNA-seq分析的前世今生讲得非常透彻,因此与大家共享。 课程原链接:https://www.singlecellcourse.org 1.1 单细胞RNA测序概述 RNA-seq可以以高效且经济的方式描述样本中的转录本,它是2000年代后期的一个重大突破并越来越流行,在很...
Detailed information of computational methods, analysis pipelines, and software tools are presented in the remaining chapters with some real examples. I believe that this book will serve not only as a textbook for an introductory course of omics data analysis but also as a guideline for ...
业界良心啊,开源的单细胞课程。 随便看了几章,课程写得非常用心,非常适合新手。 课程地址:Analysis of single cell RNA-seq data 源码地址:hemberg-lab/scRNA.seq.course
Repository files navigation README CRG RNA-seq course Data for the CRG course on RNA-seq data analysis for PhD students Get the Data In order to download the data run the following command: git clone https://github.com/guigolab/rnaseq-course About...
This hands-on course in Zoom introduces single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) data analysis methods. It covers the processing of transcript counts from quality control and filtering to dimensional reduction, clustering, cell type identification and cluster marker gene detection. You will also learn how ...
This book can be used as a textbook for a graduate course, for an advanced under- graduate course, or for a summer school. It can serve as a self-contained handbook and detailed overview of the central RNA-seq data analysis methods and how to use these in practice. The book balances ...
This e-learning course introduces single-cell RNA-seq data analysis methods and tools to researchers who are planning to use single-cell RNA-seq for their own projects. The course covers the processing of transcript counts from quality control and filtering to dimensional reduction, clustering, and...