2024年3月25日,良渚实验室沈宁研究员、浙江大学计算机学院王海帅研究员,硕士生原溪璐等在Cell Reports Methods上发表了题为Anchored-fusion enables targeted fusion search in bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing data的研究论文,开发了Anchored-fusion算法,以解决现有基于RNA-seq的融合基因检测方法灵敏度不足的问题...
2024年3月25日,良渚实验室沈宁研究员、浙江大学计算机学院王海帅研究员,硕士生原溪璐等在Cell Report s Methods上发表了题为Anchored-fusion enables targeted fusion search in bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing data的研究论文,开发了Anchored-fusion算法,以解决现有基于RNA-seq的融合基因检测方法灵敏度不足的问题。
然而,随着单细胞RNA测序(single-cell RNA sequencing, scRNA-seq)等技术的引入,研究人员得以从单个细胞的角度揭开胚胎发育的秘密,描绘出生命起始的动态蓝图。11月14日Nature MethodsNature Methods “A comprehensive human embryo reference tool using single-cell RNA-sequencing data”,研究人员采用scRNA-seq,对人类胚...
为此,来自Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard的 Joshua Z. Levin团队在 Nature Biotechnology上发表了文章 Systematic comparison of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing methods,比较了7种不同scRNA-seq方法,包括两种低通量方法(Smart-seq2和CEL-Seq2)和五种高通量方法(Drop-seq、inDrops、10x-Chromium...
et al. Comprehensive comparative analysis of strand-specific RNA sequencing methods. Nature methods, ...
美国Broad研究所Joshua Z. Levin研究组发文题为Systematic comparison of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing methods,对单细胞和单细胞核RNA测序的方法进行系统性比较。近年来,单细胞RNA测序方法的规模和能力迅速扩大,使重大发现和大规模细胞绘图工作成为可能。然而,这些方法还没有系统和全面的标准。在该...
2. Wilhelm BT, Landry JR. RNA‑Seq—quantitative measurement of expression through massively parallel RNA‑Sequencing. Methods. 2009;48:249‑57. 3. Zhao S, Fung-Leung WP, Bittner A, Ngo K, Liu X. Comparison of RNA‑Seq and microarray in tranome profiling of activated T cells. PLoS...
[7] Ding J, Adiconis X, Simmons SK,et al.Systematic comparison of single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-sequencing methods.Nat Biotechnol. 2020 Jun; 38(6): 737-746.
Targeted RNA sequencing Sequencing specific transcripts of interest to focus efforts and lower cost to analyze specific genes of interest. Can be used for many sample types, including degraded samples from FFPE. Table 2.General RNA sequencing methods ...
18. Ilott N.E. and Ponting C.P. Predicting long non-coding RNAs using RNAsequencing. Methods 63(1):50–59, 2013. 19. Faghihi M.A., Modarresi F., Khalil A.M. et al. Expression of a noncodingRNA is elevated in Alzheimer’s disease and drives rapid feed-forward regulationof beta-...