3. 下游分析 - Downstream analysis 下游分析主要是通过将可以解释的模型拟合到数据中获得相应的结论,比如有相似基因表达谱的细胞群代表一个细胞簇、相似细胞之间基因表达的微小变化指示连续(分化)轨迹;或具有相关表达趋势的基因指示共调控等。 下游分析可分为细胞水平和基因水平的方法,如图所示。细胞水平分析通常着重于两...
随着下一代测序技术的发展,RNA-seq也在发展。 目前,RNA-seq方法可用于研究RNA生物学的许多不同方面,包括单细胞基因表达、翻译和RNA结构。随着直接RNA-seq技术和更好的数据分析工具的出现,RNA-seq的发展有助于更全面地理解生物科学,本文解读一篇2019年发表在Nature的RNA-sequencing综述。 DGE:基因差异表达 流程: RNA...
Meta-analysis of RNA sequencing datasets reveals an association between TRAJ23, psoriasis, and IL-17A 热度: RNA-Sequencinganalysis 二代测序仪 测序芯片 罗氏454illumina DNA (0.1-1.0ug) Singlemoleculearray Samplepreparation Clustergrowth Imageacquisition ...
Here, we describe nascent RNA sequencing analysis (NRSA), a novel tool with the dedicated goal of comprehensive analysis of enhancer-mediated regulation from nascent transcriptome data. NRSA not only identifies and quantifies enhancers as do dREG, Vespucci, Fstitch, and groHMM, but also annotate...
【4】Slovin, S., Carissimo, A., Panariello, F., Grimaldi, A., Bouché, V., Gambardella, G., and Cacchiarelli, D. (2021). Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Analysis: A Step-by-Step Overview. In Methods in Molecular Biology, (Methods Mol Biol), pp. 343–365. ...
参考文献: [1]Huang HC, Niu Y, Qin LX. Differential Expression Analysis for RNA-Seq: An Overview of Statistical Methods and Computational Software. Cancer Inform. 2015 Dec 13;14(Suppl 1):57-67.
RNA-Seq Data Analysis: A Basic Workflow RNA-Sequencing (RNA-Seq) has revolutionized the field of genomics, providing unprecedented insights into gene expression patterns. The basic workflow for RNA-Seq data analysis involves several crucial steps, each crucial for extracting meaningful information from...
RNA-sequencing(RNA-seq)是一个重要的转录组学研究技术,数百款分析工具目前已经开发出来。尽管最近相关研究评估了最新的可用的RNAseq工具,但他们没有全面综合的评估RNAseq分析的工作流。这里我们进行广泛的RNA-seq工作流的研究分析,不仅包括表达分析,我们的工作还包括了评估的RNA variant-calling,RNA编辑和RNA融合检测技...
文献阅读 | Benchmarking single cell RNA-sequencing analysis pipelines using mixture control experiments 资源: sci-hub paper CellBench package - github CellBench_data - code for the paper 现在单细胞领域的突出问题就是工具过多,但缺乏gold-standard benchmark datasets,没有一定的标准来衡量工具的好坏。
所用的试剂盒为Direct RNA Sequencing Kit (SQK-RNA004),首先准备 poly(A) 富集的mRNA (300ng/8ul) 或者总RNA(1ug/8ul) ,通过 poly(T) 引物反转录合成cDNA链(稳定mRNA),为RNA-cDNA加上测序接头,最后在MinION或PromethION芯片上进行测序(图11),建库总用时大约为2小时15分钟。互补cDNA链不会被测序,只是...