RNA synthesis RNA synthesis is essential in the life cycle of all viruses as a common step in protein synthesis and for the replication of RNA virus genetic material. In order to replicate, RNA viruses must synthesize copies of their genetic material, often using an RNA-dependent RNA...
a, NanoLuc activity at 24 hours after transfection of HeLa cells with circRNAs containing deletions of successive IRES domains starting from the 5′ end. Secondary structure and truncation points are indicated on the diagram. NanoLuc activity was normalized to constitutive firefly luciferase activity ...
subcellular distribution, and dynamics of RNA-bound proteomes3,4,5,6,7,8. These methods start with the crosslinking of RBPs to RNA in cellulo to stabilize RNA–protein interactions that occur within the native cellular environment. Irradiation of cells with ultraviolet (UV) light has been...
De novo global protein synthesis was measured via the SUnSET method47. Cells were treated with puromycin (10 µg/ml) for 10 min and then lysed in RIPA buffer containing Halt protease inhibitor cocktail (Thermo Fisher) and cycloheximide (100 µg/ml). Equal amounts of protein were ...
Fig. 3.7.The structure of eukaryotic protein-coding genes. Although DNA is a double-stranded molecule, only one of the strands encodes information that the RNA polymerase reads to produce mRNA. The promoter specifies where mRNA synthesis starts, and which DNA strand serves as the template strand...
(Fig.6). RNA editing, as a co/posttranscriptional modification, can change nucleotide sequences and have important effects on viral replication, protein synthesis, infection, and virulence. ADARs and APOBECs, in addition to deamination, are RNA-binding proteins that directly interact with endogenous...
A schematic diagram of chemical modifications on mammal RNAs. Several RNA modifications with their chemical structures are highlighted in (a) transcripts (such as mRNA, miRNA and lncRNA) and (b) tRNAs. For tRNAs, anticodons are located at positions 34 to 36, and modification at position 34 ...
A, Schematic diagram of CLASH method for detecting RNA duplexes mediated by a defined RBP. Cells expressing tagged proteins (e.g., HTA-tagged Ago1) are used for UV crosslinking. Base-paired RNAs in purified RNA-protein complexes are ligated in dilute solution and then sequence of the ...
(FAO), also called β-oxidation, under energy stress conditions. FA synthesis is under control of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (SREBP1c). Stimulated by growth factors, the precursor is processed into mature SREBP1c, and then translocated into nucleus to improve the transcription ...
RNA and Protein Synthesis N.V.Bhagavan,Chung-EunHa, inEssentials of Medical Biochemistry, 2011 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) RibosomalRNAis the major structural component of the ribosome and has sequence complementarity to regions of mRNA with which it can interact. Ribosomes contain several different RNA mo...