m5C RNA是近年来发现的一类在tRNA及rRNA高丰度存在的甲基化修饰。利用高通量测序手段验证了非编码RNA以及部分mRNA中m5C普遍存在,但是在不同物种、不同组织中m5C修饰分布图谱尚没有系统性报道。我们率先开展m5C RNA甲基化测序服务,采用经典重亚硫酸盐处理的方式进行测序(Bisulfite Sequencing, 简称 Bis-seq)。在全转录...
m5C RNA是近年来发现的一类在tRNA及rRNA高丰度存在的甲基化修饰。利用高通量测序手段验证了非编码RNA以及部分mRNA中m5C普遍存在,但是在不同物种、不同组织中m5C修饰分布图谱尚没有系统性报道。我们率先开展m5C RNA甲基化测序服务,采用经典重亚硫酸盐处理的方式进行测序(Bisulfite Sequencing, 简称 Bis-seq)。在全转录...
在此基础上,我们重磅推出m5C RNA甲基化测序科研服务产品——RNA-BisSeq: 检测原理与DNA的5mC修饰类似, RNA甲基化修饰m5C的检测方法也是通过对样品进行重亚硫酸盐处理,将mRNA中未发生甲基化的胞嘧啶(C)转换为尿嘧啶(U),进行反转录后形成cDNA;文库制备完成后,通过高通量测序分析,可得m5C 修饰的位点,从而满足您对R...
易基因研究团队早在2009年,Nucleic Acids Research发表第一篇亚硫酸盐RNA甲基化m5C检测方案后,就已跟对方合作开展其在高通量测序上的应用,技术可算得上放心!在此基础上,我们重磅推出m5C RNA甲基化测序科研服务产品——RNA-BisSeq: 检测原理与DNA的5mC修饰类似, RNA甲基化修饰m5C的检测方法也是通过对样品进行重亚...
Many known or novel m5C sites have been validated by using advanced high-throughput techniques combined with next-generation sequencing (NGS), especially RNA bisulfite sequencing (RNA-BisSeq). Here we introduce an optimized RNA-BisSeq method by using ACT random hexamers to prime the reverse trans...
To facilitate the detection of m(5)C in its sequence context, RNA bisulfite sequencing (RNA-BisSeq) has been developed. This method relies on the efficient chemical deamination of nonmethylated cytosine, which can be read out as single nucleotide polymorphism (nonmethylated cytosine as thymine vs...
Bisulfite RNA sequencing analysis We performed RNA bisulfite treatment (bsRNA-seq) following the protocol from Johnson et al.64. There were no deviations done for the protocol except the fact that a GE50 spin column was used for the removal of the excess of bisulfite reagent (sodium bisulfide ...
RNA modifications play a pivotal role in the regulation of RNA chemistry within cells. Several technologies have been developed with the goal of using RNA modifications to regulate cellular biochemistry selectively, but achieving selective and precise mo
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) has emerged as a powerful tool for investigating cellular biology at an unprecedented resolution, enabling the characterization of cellular heterogeneity, identification of rare but significant cell types, and explo