1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_core.js文件。 2:查找字段touch system,即触屏系统。 3:继续查找并删除字段this._setupEventHandlers();,即这是安装事件触发器。 【2:仅删除(修改)鼠标点击移动的目的地闪烁】 1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_sprites.js文件。 2:查找字段// sprite_Destination...
plugins.js 添加脚本 5年前 rmmz_core.js MZ框架脚本更新至1.0.2 4年前 rmmz_managers.js MZ框架脚本更新至1.0.2 4年前 rmmz_objects.js 更新 3年前 rmmz_scenes.js 更新 2年前 rmmz_sprites.js MZ框架脚本更新至1.0.2 4年前 rmmz_windows.js ...
Hello, I'm using VisuStella Message Core plugin for RPG Maker MZ, and I'm trying to use Text Code Replacements to create macros for stats display. For...
JPC_Core.js v1.0.0 -- 文字框输入 JPC_TextBox.js JPC_Core.js v1.0.0 神射线效应 JPC_GodRayFilter.js JPC_Core.js 在制品(目前无法使用) -- 灯光效果 JPC_Lighting.js JPC_Core.js 在制品 雾效果 JPC_Fog.js JPC_Core.js 在制品(目前无法使用) -- 降雪天气影响 JPC_Snow.js JPC_Core.js 在制...
1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_core.js文件。 2:查找字段touch system,即触屏系统。 3:继续查找并删除字段this._setupEventHandlers();,即这是安装事件触发器。 【2:仅删除(修改)鼠标点击移动的目的地闪烁】 1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_sprites.js文件。
1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_core.js文件。 2:查找字段touch system,即触屏系统。 3:继续查找并删除字段this._setupEventHandlers();,即这是安装事件触发器。 【2:仅删除(修改)鼠标点击移动的目的地闪烁】 1:备份并打开根目录下js文件夹中的rmmz_sprites.js文件。 2:查找字段// sprite_Destination...
I'm trying to use this Tactics System Plugin which seems to be compatible with all the free Visustella plugins aside from Main Menu Core, where I get a crash when battle initializes. This is what the Console displays: [ISPOILER] rmmz_managers.js:2036 TypeError: SceneManager[_0x1274e0(....
Good evening! :kaohi: For context, the plugins I am using for my main menu is Visustella's Core Engine and Main Menu Core. I am also using MachPen's...
I have VisuStella's Skills and States Core plugin, and I am having a little problem with making Pikachu's static ability its passive state, which has a 30% chance of paralyzing the attacker when it gets hit. I learned this code from Go_ Onizuka when he was making the Flame Body ability...
Forum:JS Plugin Requests RMMZVisuStella's Battle Core Auto Battle (start) cannot be turned off?? I'm having immense trouble turning it off. At first I was going to keep it and remove the text (popup) message but it's screwing with how i want my actors to behave. The base auto batt...