Multiserial boards are add-on boards for ISA, PCI, PCI-X or PCIe Bus. These boards used in serial communications and offer one or more serial ports. By design some boards allow two or more boards to run in a single PC. Controlling more than one serial communication link simultaneously is...
You know that’s just a single PCIe Gen2 lane (multiplexed with SATA) routed to an M.2 socket? Reply PhilS 3 years ago tkaiser No confusion. I base my opinion on experience with them and their previous generations of products. I hope that they will do more. Time will tell. Ye...
what you got is a 4GB ddr3 rk3399 'TV box' with 2x2 wifi over mPCIe and 32GB eMMC with a 'connector' I've not seen any specification what's populated on it . which may or may not work with a 'generic DT' (generic means here any rk3399 dt file we have most of them are qui...