Emotional disorders are pervasive in the acquired brain injury (ABI) population, adversely affecting quality of life and rehabilitation. This study aimed to explore the unique associative effects of alexithymia as measured by the Perth Alexithymia Questionnaire (PAQ; i.e., difficulty identifying ...
To determine whether an association exists between acquired brain injury and violent offending Study an association between brain injury and crime and identify associated risk factors. Systematic search of Medline, Embase, PsychInfo, CINAHL, TRIP, using terms, Acquired brain injury, traumatic brain ...
There are a lot of factors that you have to be careful about in making sweeping generalizations until you're really certain of the facts," he said. Dr Williams has received grants from the Barrow Cadbury Trust and is a vice chair of the Criminal Justice and Acquired Brain Injury Group. Dr...
Clinical characteristics and associated factors of posttraumatic epilepsy after traumatic brain injury in children: A retrospective case-control study and early posttraumatic seizures (EPTS) (OR: 54, 95% CI: 11–276,p< 0.001), were all significantly associated with a higher risk of developing PTE....
【关键词】颅脑创伤;并发症;感染 【中图分类号】R651畅1 【文献标识码】A Analysisontheriskfactorsrelatedtointracranialinfectionsecondary totraumaticbraininjury LINChao,TANGYong,MAOLei,ZHAOXin,SUNHaichen,WANGHandong (InstituteofNeurologicalSurgery,NanjingGeneralHospitalofNanjingMilitaryCommand,Nanjing 210002,China) ...
relationship between the frequency and the severity oftraumatic brain injuryand the degree of amyloid changes in the brain, the natural course of the observed accumulation, and other potential biologic risk factors for amyloid plaque deposition and the development of cognitive decline," Dr. Leiva-...
The article focuses on the risk factors and preventive measures for intensive care unit-acquired weakness(ICUAW), a main clinical manifestation of the critical illness neuromyopathy (CINM). It emphasizes five risk factors for CINM including multiple organ, muscle inactivity, and hyperglycemia. It ...
We also predicted that within the TBI group factors such as the number of days since the injury, severity of the injury, and sites of the lesion will play a role in risk taking as assessed with the BART. Main findings revealed that participants with TBI displayed abnormally cautious risk ...
Human epilepsies: interaction of genetic and acquired factors Trends Neurosci (2006) Z Metting et al. Structural and functional neuroimaging in mild-to-moderate head injury Lancet Neurol (2007) JF Annegers et al. A population-based study of seizures after traumatic brain injuries N Engl J Med ...
Thus, a deeper understanding of the prevalence and epidemiological impact of suicide after stroke is urgently needed. Clinical diagnosis and prevention of PSS are at the incipient stage, but the risk factors responsible for the occurrence of PSS in different regions and stages of the disease remain...