Examples of ABI include: stroke near drowning aneurysm tumor infectious disease that affects the brain (i.e., meningitis) lack of oxygen supply to the brain (i.e., heart attack) These injuries produce a wide variety of symptoms that range from moderate to severe. In most cases, the cause...
Despite advances in intensive care medicine and neurosurgical procedures, the mortality and long-term disability rates for serious traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries remain high. With improvements in intensive care, the most common proximate cause of death in comatose patients following acquired ...
Brain injury is one of the most catastrophic and difficult injuries to deal with. Causes of brain injury include traumatic blow or injury to the head, severe rotation of the neck or whiplash, and/or lack of oxygen. About 50% of all acquired brain injury (ABI) cases are caused by motor ...
This study adds to the literature examining intimate partner violence in rural areas; specifically intimate partner violence-related acquired brain injuries in rural areas. 展开 关键词: abuse brain injury physical sexual vision DOI: 10.1177/23333936211008163 ...
Acquired brain injury (ABI) is linked to increased depression risk. Existing therapies for depression in ABI (e.g., cognitive behavioural therapy) have mixed efficacy. Behavioural activation (BA), an intervention that encourages engaging in positively re
Research shows a lack of continuity in service provision during the transition from hospital to home for people with acquired brain injuries (ABI). There is a need to gather and synthesize knowledge about services that can support strategies for more sta
Objective: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the predictive validity of the Fall Risk Evaluation Tool (FRET) for individuals with acquired brain injuries (ABIs). Methods: Ten participants were included for the study. Inclusion criteria for participants included: age 18 and older, English ...
Keywords Flexible bronchoscopy Late tracheostomy complications Decannulation Acquired brain injuries Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again and make sure cookies are enabledCited by (5) Single-Stage Bronchoscopy-Guided Protocol for Tracheostomy Decannulation in Adult Patients 2024, Journal of Surgical...
Comparison of remedial and compensatory interventions for adults with acquired brain injuries. Dirette DK, Hinojosa J and Carnevale GJ. Comparison of remedial and compensatory interventions for adults with acquired brain injuries. J Head Trauma Rehabil... DK Dirette,J Hinojosa,GJ Carnevale - 《Journal...
Despite these recommendations, it has been shown that only a small proportion of children received specialized rehabilitation and adequate follow-up after ABI.Aims The aims are: (i) to describe a comprehensive model of care devoted to children with acquired brain injuries; and (ii) to provide ...