The story follows the life of Rip Van Winkle, a man who lives in a small village in New York, and who is known for his laziness and his love of nature and the outdoors. Rip Van Winkle falls asleep in the woods one day and wakes up twenty ...
(完整word版)RipVanWinkle译文瑞普—凡—温克尔 卡兹吉尔出脉位于纽约州哈得逊河西边,山峰高耸人云,俯瞰着四周的山村。季节更替,阴晴转换,甚至旦夕间的时辰变幻,都会引来山容峰色午姿百态。所以山区周围的村民只要观看卡兹吉尔山脉就能猜出天气的变化.就在这些山脉下面,航行者可以看见缕缕青烟从一个古老的荷兰小...
Rip van winkle, however,was one of those happy mortals, of foolish, well-oileddispositions, who take the world easy, eat white bread or brown, whichever can be got with least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a pond. If left to himself, ...
瑞普·凡·温克尔 第一章 1765年,在卡茨基尔山脚下的一个村庄里住着一个名叫瑞普·凡·温克尔的人。他为人特别简单,对人非常友善,是全村人的朋友和好帮手。 瑞普的老婆对他非常...