FloodsPublic healthSocial VulnerabilityVolunteersIn May 2024, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, faced the greatest climate catastrophe in its history when a flood affected approximately 90% of the entire state territory. This study aimed to describe the strategic actions of volunteers gathered by a social ...
Brazilian scientists have discovered a skeleton of what they claim is one of the world’s oldest dinosaurs. The remains surfaced after heavy rains in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul accelerated the terrain’s natural erosion. The fossil is believed to be around 233 million years old....
Instead, police donated the plushies to families who lost their homes in the massive floods of southern Rio Grande do Sul state, particularly children in shelters. The fate of the stuffed animals seized Wednesday was still unclear. ___ Associated Press writer Bruce Shipkowski contributed...
Two steelworks halted by Gerdau Group due to flooding in Rio Grande do Sul state in southern Brazil have resumed production, a Gerdau spokesperson said June 18. Operations at the steelmaker's Charqueadas special steel works, with installed capacity of around 450,000 mt/year, and its ...
FloodsHepatitis AKernelThe relationship between hydrometeorological disasters and the health of affected populations is still hardly discussed in Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil. Hepatitis A is a disease that involves health and urban environment issue and is an avoidable disease. This study aims to...
Rio Grande do SulNatural hazardsMesoscale Convective Complexes (CCM) are organized clusters of convective clouds, which oftenarrive at Southern Region of Brazil and produce a variety of hazards. This study evaluated hazards associated with CCM events in the Rio Grande do Sul (RS) State, the ...
which cause frequent weather changes. But it is mostly in summer that strong showers may provoke catastrophic floods and landslides. The mountainous areas register greater rainfall since theyconstitutea barrier to the humidwindthat comes from the Atlantic. The highest rainfall rate is found in the ...