Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil, is facing the greatest climate catastrophe in its history. There is an urgent need to evacuate vast flooded areas or areas at risk of flooding, and also to provide supplies and medicine to families who are stranded. Mui...
in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Severe storms have inundated large swaths of south Brazil's Rio Grande do Sul state since April 29. Over 100,000 people have been evacuated in 334 cities of the state. (Photo by Claudia Martini/Xinhua) ...
Climate catastrophe in Rio Grande do sul, Brazil: impact of strategic actions in response to floodingdoi:10.1186/s13104-025-07094-6Climate changeFloodsPublic healthSocial VulnerabilityVolunteersIn May 2024, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, faced the greatest climate catastrophe in its history when a ...
The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul is facing the biggest climate catastrophe in its history, with flooding that has already left countless victims. There is an urgency to evacuate vast areas that are flooded or at risk of flooding, and also to provide food and medicine to families who...
The meaning of RIO GRANDE is river 1885 miles (3034 kilometers) long in the southwestern U.S. forming the boundary between Mexico and Texas and flowing from the San Juan Mountains in southwestern Colorado to the Gulf of Mexico.
evento|Embrapa e parceiros promovem Semana do Leite, em novembro Publicado por:Valéria Hamann Rio Grande do Sul 1 nov 2024 Conseleite/RS|Preço de referência no RS em outubro é de R$ 2,5844 o litro Publicado por:Valéria Hamann ...
Rio Grande do Sul 6 maio 2024 calamidade|Produção embaixo d’água: produtores do RS relatam situação no campo Publicado por:Natalia Soledad Ayala Rio Grande do Sul 3 maio 2024 calamidade|Inundações no Rio Grande do Sul: impacto na produção de laticínios ...
周五(3日),巴西政府发布最新消息,南大河州(Rio Grande do Sul)有四座水坝处于紧急状态。州政府表示,它们有决堤的风险。 14 de Julho 大坝于周四(2日)下午部分决堤。州民防部门发出警报,并下令对七个城市的社区进行人员疏散。 面临决堤风险的水坝位于科蒂波拉(Cotiporã)、本托贡萨尔维斯(Bento Gonçalves)、卡内...
Wine, canyons and adventure in Brazil's gaucho land no active packages There are no active packages for this location: 'Rio Grande do Sul' at this time Please use the menu or valid links in the site OUR CONTACTS ©2002/2025
巴西南大河州Rio Grande do Sul 巴西Brazil 产区简介 PRODUCER DETAIL 位置Location 巴西 土壤Soil 该地区覆盖着各种各样的土壤。在北方,玄武岩含量高的重质粘土一年四季都能保持水分。在南方,沙质土壤由石灰石和花岗岩组成,排水更加自由。 葡萄品种 Grape varitey...