Read guide How to create and upload custom Scenarios RimWorld’s Scenario system makes your game more lively and challenging by allowing you to randomize and customize unique situations to play in. By customizing a scenario, you can determine certain starting settings: type of community (tribe...
If you want a quick guide to the game, check out the quickstart guide. Brand new players are encouraged to play the Tutorial first, if they haven't already. The tutorial will guide you through the RimWorld UI, help them set up a starter base, and defend against your first raid. ...
As its name suggests, this is a quick guide for starting quickly - when you want to play now. Detailed analysis, tips and tricks, and "best practices" will be skipped in this guide, excepting only to avoid "game over" level pitfalls. For a more detailed basic introduction see Basics....
Survival in Rimworld is challenging and many players take all the advantages they can get. Ensuring you start with a good starting map can give players a fun leg-up while they expand their colony. There are plenty of sources online for amazing seeds. Most seeds are compatible with the Royal...
but this game is full of hard choices. we blasted off as the screen fades to white. the credits roll, starting with a list of eight colonists who made it and then the 15 who didn’t. i remember every one, and i’m not ashamed to admit there’s a tear in my eye as the music ...
<MechanitorStartingMech.questContentRules.rulesStrings> <li>arrivalLetterLabel->[mech_label]附属:[mechanitor_nameDef]</li> <li>arrivalLetterText->一个[mech_label]从轨道上落下并将自己置于[mechanitor_nameDef]的控制之下。\n\n它似乎已经隶属于[mechanitor_possessive]机控中枢并渴望再次提供服务。</li...
MapStartSeason "Starting season:" MapStartSeasonDefault "Auto" PermadeathMode "Permadeath mode" PermadeathModeInfo "In permadeath mode, you get one save file and can only save when quitting the game. You cannot reload the game to fix mistakes, and when the colony dies, that's it.<br/><br...
We don’t want to go to bed without starting to put our new green power sources to good use, so Tetsuya and Doyle go to town on a new electric stove, freezer, and a battery to store our excess power. Ko could build, but with a 1, he’ll just waste material, so I let him go...
=== [[File:Game over planetkiller.png|400px|thumb|right|Ouch.]] "''An interstellar planetkiller weapon is approaching this planet. It will smash the planet apart like a rifle bullet hitting an egg, annihilating all life.''" This event can only happen by configuring the starting scenario....
Starting season: Recommended to leave as Auto or Spring for new players. Map sizes: Sets the size of the local map where main gameplay takes place. Small 200 × 200 (40,000 cells) 225 × 225 (50,625 cells) Medium 250 × 250 (62,500 cells) 275 × 275 (75,625 cells) Large ...