新测试版本,代号牛顿..更新日志:New stuff: Base game新东西:基本游戏- New custom playstyle system: You can now select a new custom play
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If you log in or create an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits. AdvancedSpecial charactersHelp Drop files here <!--Top Nav Box--> {| align=center | {{Gameplay Nav}} |} --- <!-- End of Nav --> {{Stub|reason=Ideology events. ...
With 1.5 fuctionality provided by Marble.Adds playable pony races, along with custom RimThemes, ideology style and basic stuff to support the races added.Basicaly, it is the Ponies of the Rim you find on Steam, but stats and stuff changed to be like the origina 32.0MB 2 98 ...
RimWorld is a game in which you can create many different ideologies. However, unfortunately, there is no apparel in the game that would emphasize belonging to one’s ideology. Therefore, I created several options for hats, based on several real ideologies, which should appeal to people who ...
1) Create a mod folder.RimWorld>Mods>PlagueGun- Go to your RimWorld's base folder. For myself, that is D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\RimWorld\. Others may find it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RimWorld or a custom directory.- Go into the Mods folder.- Make...
CreateCharacters "創造角色" FirstNameDesc "角色的名字。僅在部分清單中顯示。" ShortIdentifierDesc "角色的簡稱。這會在所有情况下都顯示。可以和姓或名一樣,也可以是完全不一樣的綽號。" LastNameDesc "角色的姓氏。僅在部分清單中。" Randomize "隨機生成" AgeIndicator "年紀:{0}" Backstory "背景故事"...
Loosening the economy around gene-modding: Previously, making custom xenotypes during game setup worked well, but it was quite hard to actually do genetic modification during the game. Getting your hands on the genes and building all the infrastructure was quite costly and sometimes hard to justif...
CreateCharacters "创建角色" FirstNameDesc "角色的名字。这只会在部分菜单中显示。" ShortIdentifierDesc "角色的简称。这会在所有情况下都显示。可以和姓或者名一样,也可以是一个完全不一样的绰号。" LastNameDesc "角色的姓氏。这只会在部分菜单中显示。" Randomize "随机" AgeIndicator "年龄{0}" Backstory...