你可以帮助Rimworld中文维基来 扩写它。 飞船结构梁(Ship Structural Beam), 一根用来支撑星际飞船其他部分的结构梁,包括通信、电力和材料运输所需的所有线缆和运输管道。在其周围能建造飞船。 飞船 飞船结构梁 • 飞船低温休眠舱 • 飞船电脑核心 • 飞船反应堆 • 飞船推进器 • 集成传感器...
They also appears as part of the ship featured in the ship to the stars quest. Summary[edit]Ship structural beams allow the building of ship cryptosleep caskets. Each beam can support up to 8 caskets. They can also connect other ship parts together, though are not required to do so. Ana...
A ship structural beam is required for ship caskets and only ship caskets - each beam can support 8 caskets. Ship parts cannot be built over a roof, though they can be roofed over afterwards. The minimum possible resources for a ship are 1740 steel, 740 plasteel, 294 uranium, 42 advanced...
NoStuffsToBuildWith "You have no usable materials from which to build this." WillGetWorkSpeedPenalty "{0} will have work speed penalty" MustPlaceUnroofed "Cannot be placed under a roof." MustPlaceHeadOnShipBeam "Must place with head attached to ship structural beam." MustPlaceNextToHopperAcc...
They also appears as part of the ship featured in theship to the starsquest. Ship structural beams allow the building ofship cryptosleep caskets. Each beam can support up to 8 caskets. They can also connect other ship parts together, though are not required to do so. ...
They also appears as part of the ship featured in theship to the starsquest. Summary Ship structural beams allow the building ofship cryptosleep caskets. Each beam can support up to 8 caskets. They can also connect other ship parts together, though are not required to do so. ...