drop beacon • Ancient mechanoid shell • Ancient mega-cannon barrel • Ancient mega-cannon platform • Ancient microwave • Ancient nav beacon • Ancient operating table • Ancient oven • Ancient pipeline section • Ancient pipes • Ancient pod car • Ancient postbox • Ancient...
{| class="wikitable" |- ! Ailment !! Symptoms |- | '''Bad back''' || * -30% [[Moving]] * -10% [[Manipulation]] |} A bad back can be cured by installing a [[bionic spine]], or with the use of [[biosculpter pod]]'s bioregeneration cycle{{IdeologyIcon}}. A human ...
[factionOpponent_pronoun] has heard news this has been done and is sending you the following via drop pod (total value [betrayalRewardMarketValue_money]):\n\n[betrayalRewards].\n\n[questOver] betrayalOfferFailedBecauseRecruitedLetterLabel->Betrayal reward retracted betrayalOfferFailedBecauseRecruited...
SickBoyWi/RimWorldMapsPublic NotificationsYou must be signed in to change notification settings Fork0 Star0 Code Issues
FriendlyRaidCenterDrop "一群來自{1}的{0}從軌道直接降落到了殖民地上!" FriendlyRaidLeaderPresent "其中一名{0} - {1},是該勢力的首領。" LetterLabelRefugeePodCrash "逃生艙" RefugeePodCrash "你偵測到了一個逃生艙在附近墜毀了。如果有人在撞擊後生還,他們的傷勢恐怕不會太樂觀。" LetterLabelCargoPod...
FriendlyRaidCenterDrop "一群来自{1}的友方{0}直接空投到了你的殖民地上!" FriendlyRaidLeaderPresent "{0}中的{1}是该派系首领。" LetterLabelRefugeePodCrash "逃生舱坠毁" RefugeePodCrash "你侦测到了一个逃生舱在附近坠毁了。即使有人在撞击后还活了下来,他们也会受重伤。你可以派殖民者拯救他们并送他们...
Outlander and pirate factions may send a drop pod of waste back at you, while hostile factions can raid you. Summary[edit] This section is a stub. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. Reason: numbers and world tile and map tile effects, missing plants that can occur. Pollution...
Note that killboxes aren't a catch-all solution to enemy threats, and you still need tactics to handle drop pod raiders or sappers. Building[edit]The entryways should lead to a large 'box' where the killing begins (hence 'killbox'). The box should be surrounded by cover sources (prefer...
<ThreatReward_GameCondition_ItemPod.questDescriptionRules.rulesStrings> questDescription(askerIsNull==true)->轨道飞船上的智能AI想要进行一些行星实验。 如果她进行实验, [gameConditionDescriptionFuture]。\n\n她担心与伦理审查委员会产生冲突, 并请求你的同意。 questDescription(asker_factionLeader==True)->一...
FriendlyRaidCenterDrop "A group of friendly {0} from {1} have dropped from orbit right on top of you!" FriendlyRaidLeaderPresent "One of the {0} - {1}, is the leader of the faction." LetterLabelRefugeePodCrash "Escape pod" RefugeePodCrash "You've detected an escape pod crashing hard...