This section is astub.You can help RimWorld Wiki byexpanding it. Reason:1) How does the weighting towards default goodwill work 2) How is goodwill from gifts calculated (via drop pod to faction base, by human to faction base, by human to trader - see FactionGiftUtility. ...
Ideally, you'll want the stellarch's rooms to be somewhat defensible, in case of drop pod raids. At the very least, have some avenue for escape. FoodLavish meals should be your go-to food for the stellarch, due to the +12 mood boost. Humans require 2 meals a day, so that's 24...
[factionOpponent_pronoun] has heard news this has been done and is sending you the following via drop pod (total value [betrayalRewardMarketValue_money]):\n\n[betrayalRewards].\n\n[questOver] betrayalOfferFailedBecauseRecruitedLetterLabel->Betrayal reward retracted betrayalOfferFailedBecauseRecruited...
[rewardGiver_pronoun] is sending you the following via drop pod:\n\n[listOfRewards] --> <RefugeeDelayedReward.questContentRules.rulesStrings> rewardLetterLabel->访客报酬 rewardLetterText->[rewardGiver_nameDef]已经联系过你。 [rewardDelayTicks_duration]之前, 你在[rewardGiver_objective]十分绝望的...
I encountered four type of Events: Raids (obviously) of the three types, immediate attack, preparation and drop pods; drop pod items, escape pods and lots of friendly visits but without any interaction or exchanges. One of the drop pods left me 72 missiles...which at the end I could nev...
[12] Other worlds - Beyond these categories, there are many exceptional planets in strange states created by their peculiar social and technological evolutions. Given the scale and age of the universe, there is a lot of time and space for a lot of very strange situations to develop.[9]...
Described in code-comments as A steamy world of wet jungles, strange tribes with psychic powers, however the canonicity of such comments is unclear. [12] Chelis Arid world An arid world with moisture farms, parch-towns, water centres and high lifehalls. Native Chelisi work as water ...