Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithm 这本书是多体动力学算法的一本教材。书中提到的动力学算法是作为很多开源库如Rigid Body Dynamics Library, SimBody的基础。我开设这个系列的一个重要原因一个就是想帮助自己理解这本非常重要的教材,吃透里面的内容。另外一个原因就是想和大家一起交流理解。首先我会从Introduction开始介...
RBDL is a C++ library that contains some essential and efficient rigid body dynamics algorithms such as the Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA) for forward dynamics, Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm (RNEA) for inverse dynamics, the Composite Rigid Body Algo
This chapter focuses on the basis for developing the equations of satellite attitude dynamics. The chapter presents kinematics of rigid bodies that depends on the Chasles' theorem stating that the motion of a rigid body can be described by the displacement of any point of the body (the base ...
In our research we use rigid-body dynamics and optimal control methods to generate 3-D whole-body walking motions. For the dynamics modeling and computation we created RBDL—the Rigid Body Dynamics Library. It is a self-contained free open-source software package that implements state of the ar...
刚体动力学(Rigid Body Dynamics) 任 程 本文的内容由作者翻译整理了 Brian Vincent Mirtich 博士毕业论文" Impulse- based dynamic simulation of rigid body systems,1996 "的附录而来. 本文并不系统讲解刚体动力学,却旨在提纲挈领的...
《刚体动力学 (英文版) Rigid Body Dynamics》作者:高等教育出版社,出版社:2018年8月 第1版,ISBN:139.00。本书从现代的观点给出了刚体动力学的系统和完整的介绍,包括李代数、泊松结构、混沌理论和稳定理论。本书描
Rigid Body Dynamics 在本章中,我们将介绍一些主题,一旦您熟悉了设置基本的刚体模拟世界,这些主题也很重要。 Velocity 刚体的运动分为线性和角速度(linear and angular velocity)分量。在仿真过程中, PhysX 将根据重力(gravity)、其他施加的力(other applied forces)和扭矩(torques)以及各种约束(如碰撞或joint)来修改...
Rigid Body Dynamics 在本章中,我们将介绍一些主题,一旦您熟悉了设置基本的刚体模拟世界,这些主题也很重要。 Velocity 刚体的运动分为线性和角速度(linear and angular velocity)分量。在仿真过程中,PhysX将根据重力(gravity)、其他施加的力(other applied forces)和扭矩(torques)以及各种约束(如碰撞或joint)来修改物体...
In this chapter we cover a number of topics that are also important to understand once you are comfortable with setting up a basic rigid body simulation world.Velocity¶ A rigid body's motion is separated into linear and angular velocity components. During simulation, PhysX will modify the v...
MATH_LIBRARY_BACKENDChoose between the two linear algebra backends, eitherEigen3orCasadi. Default isEigen3. BUILD_EXAMPLEIf you want (TRUE) or not (FALSE) to build the C++ example. Default isTRUE. BUILD_TESTSIf you want (ON) or not (OFF) to build the tests of the project. Please note...