Rift zonesat ocean island volcanoes play an important role in the history of growth and collapse of the edifice (e.g.Carracedo, 1996; see alsoChapter 9). Rift zones may also host shallowmagmachambers or develop as a consequence of existing ones (Lin et al., 2014; Baker and Amelung, 201...
In the lower crust, high electrical conductivities and low seismic velocities indicate a broad zone of partial melt, extending from beneath the rift to the western boundary and in pockets beneath the western plateau, controlled by the topography of the base of the crust42,43. Extreme values of...
The deviations from the trend surface depend on both the total influence of locally appearing geological factors and the 'noise', the value of autocorrelation in deviations and their relative contributions; Part 2 - Evolution of Rift-Zone Volcanism: The development of rift zones is accompanied by ...
Lake Baikal is located in Siberia on the Baikal Rift Zone. Lake Tanganyika is located on the westernmost arm of the East African Rift Zone. If these two rift zones continue they will break apart the crustal plates they are located on and will create new plates. Sea water will flood the ...
词组| 习惯用语 rift valley裂谷;地堑 rift zone裂谷带;断裂带 great rift大裂缝 英语例句库 1.He was anxious to mend theriftbetween the two men. 他急于弥 个人之间的裂痕。 2.The sun appeared through ariftin the clouds. 太阳从云层间隙中冒出来。
Since the study of the dynamics of these structures began with recognition of their physiographic expression, rift valleys are first discussed. The morphotectonic namerift valleyestablishes its nature as a tectonic landform or oceanic form, the surface expression of endogenic (geodynamic) processes (Fig...
The particular structure of this zone might have resulted from the growth of rift mountains by accretion of magmatic material during the Paleogene, without significant sea floor spreading.Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access ...
[1] The Jinshajiang ophiolitic mlange zone in southwest China represents a remnant of the eastern Paleo-Tethys Ocean. Field, geochronological and geochemical studies have identified two distinct suites of plagiogranites within the mlange, the Dongzhulin trondhjemite and Jiyidu tonalite, which repres...
More recently, the triple rift geometry has been replaced at the surface by a N–S-trending rift zone which transects the volcano, and by E–W-trending en echelon fissure arrays on the western flank of the volcano. The NE rift zone has become completely inactive. This structural ...
upper part of the asthenosphere11, thus contaminating the isotopic signature51. Porosities of 1-≥5% are expected in this upper zone based on theory and various geophysical measurements around mid-ocean ridges27,52. Higher amounts of melt have been interpreted in the asthenosphere beneath some ...