rift zone n. 1.A large area of the earth in which plates of the earth's crust are moving away from each other, forming an extensive system of fractures and faults. 2.A linear zone of fissures along the flanks of a volcano, from which lava erupts. ...
Origin of rift zone 1 First recorded in 1965–70 Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024 How to userift zonein a sentence These rift zones are where new land is created as magma bubbles up to the surface and cools off, formin...
The meaning of SHIFT is to exchange for or replace by another : change. How to use shift in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Shift.
The meaning of SHIFT is to exchange for or replace by another : change. How to use shift in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Shift.
Define rifling. rifling synonyms, rifling pronunciation, rifling translation, English dictionary definition of rifling. n. 1. The process or operation of cutting spiral grooves in a rifle barrel. 2. Grooves cut in a rifle barrel. American Heritage® Di
Contests for runners and jumpers were to be found across the length and breadth of the continent. During the age of imperialism, explorers and colonizers were often astonished by the prowess of these “primitive” peoples. Nandi runners of Kenya’s Rift Valley seemed to run distances effortlessly...
Volcano, vent in the crust of Earth or another planet or satellite, from which issue eruptions of molten rock, hot rock fragments, and hot gases. The term volcano can also refer to the landform created by the accumulation of solidified lava and volcanic
fracture zone [frak-cher zohn] Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun ,Geology, Oceanography. a long, narrow rift on the ocean floor, separating areas of differing depth: where such a zone crosses amid-ocean ridge,it displaces the ridge by faulting.Comparetransform fault(def)....
An opening or rupture in the earth’s surface through which lava, hot gases, and fragments of rock erupt. The effect of volcanic eruptions on humans is both direct—lava flow, tidal waves, mud slides—and indirect—releasing ash that affects the lungs or weather ...