Unreal Engine --> Code Indexing, 勾上 Index third-party code 和 Index plugins 方便完整跳转代码。 Code Completion --> Behavior of class import items: Always show menu with options. 避免按 tab 就加入头文件(有时无意中加入了多余头文件,会导致编译不通过) 「代码字体修改」- Settings --> Editor ...
New UE class(新建 UE 类)上下文操作 重做的Unreal Class…(Unreal 类…)上下文操作提供一系列父类选择以及指定类是 public 还是 private 的选项。 总体看来,对话框现在的外观和功能更符合 Unreal Engine 的对应部分。 蓝图错误解析 如果蓝图文件未能被 Rider 解析,Rider 现在将在Problems View(问题视图)窗口的单独...
我们改进了 UnrealBuildTool 日志的表示。 为确保您不会错过有关项目配置的任何警告或错误,日志面板现在包括时间戳,并保留 UnrealBuildTool 先前运行的日志。 原生.uproject支持 对于基于 Unreal Engine 的项目,Rider适用于.sln和.uproject项目。 我们将继续增强对原生.uproject模型的支持,使其更准确、更易用: Rider 2...
To be able to select Rider for Unreal Engine as your IDE of choice in Unreal Editor, make sure you downloadRiderSourceCodeAccess pluginfrom the marketplace. (Check out this short instruction onGitHubon how to use it). And version 4.25 makes things even easier. Unreal Editor will automatically...
Allows using "Rider for Unreal" with Unity projects (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-51203) - Remove implicit dependency to Test-Framework package - Fix "Unreachable code detected" warning (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-57930)...
Added support for theSparseClassDataTypesreflection specifier (RSCPP-32274). Fixed issues involving red code, C++ caches randomly not being saved, and other problems. Uproject model support: Added Unreal project files (.Build.csand others) to the uproject solution explorer by default. You can hide...
Integration with the Unreal Editor and Blueprints information in the Rider Editor. Understanding UE reflection and RPC, and enforcement of UE naming rules. Getting HLSL and C#, JSON, and uproject/uplugin dialects. Code Analysis Nullability code analysis is now aware of more cases and can trace ...
Allows using "Rider for Unreal" with Unity projects (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-51203) - Remove implicit dependency to Test-Framework package - Fix "Unreachable code detected" warning (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RIDER-57930)...
新增Unreal 模块 创建带有游戏逻辑的新模块会带来许多杂事:添加文件夹、将 Build.cs 文件添加到文件夹、创建初始化模块的类、更新 .uproject 和Target.cs 文件等。 Rider 现在添加了一个可以帮助您自动执行这些任务的操作:Add | New Unreal Module(添加 | 新增 Unreal 模块)。 了解详情 新增Unreal 插件 如果您...
If the indexing is disabled, JetBrains Rider will still index header file names, which is very fast but it will let you have code completion for includes, for example,#include <unreal/SomeClassFromUnreal.h>. Once you include a header, its code will be indexed automatically, so you will ha...