"The Six Wives Of Henry VIII"是Rick Wakeman的首张录音室专辑,发行于1973年。这是事实,如果我们不考虑1971年发行的"Piano Vibrations"作为他的首张个人专辑的话。况且他对那张专辑的贡献仅限于作为临时乐师表演,其实他没有在其中创作任何曲目。"The Six Wives Of Hery VIII"是关于亨利八世的六位妻子的一张非...
Wakeman being Wakeman, certain moments on THE SIX WIVES sail close to kitsch. 'Jane Seymour' is one of Rick's best church organ pieces - but was it really necessary to overdub the siren-like scream of a synth onto its dramatic climax? Such a trick may have seemed brave in 1973, but ...