Wakeman:I have another book in the pipeline, plus progressing with the “Rick’s Plaice” TV show on YouTube. Loads more music coming too, including a musical with Sir Tim Rice. So much still to do. Every day is exciting. Once the world reopens, what are the chances of bringing “Th...
Steve Howe, Rick Wakeman and Alan White, and my own 2013 interview with Chris. Bass luthier Michael Tobias, who worked on Chris' gear, helped me out with some of Squire's gear details.
Rick Wakemanhas announced a new solo U.S. tour, An Evening With Rick Wakeman: His Music and Stories. Thetourwill begin on March 15 in Phoenixville, Pa., and end just over three weeks later on April 9 in Derry, N.H. “It's always so enjoyable playing in America," Wakeman said in...