Seeing philosophy as conversation with a number of fruitful avenues of discourse, Rorty seems to be caught in limbo, unwilling to follow through or commit himself to any particular line of discourse for fear of closing himself off to alternative discourses. Choosing to adopt this particular ...
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Rorty’s publications includePhilosophy and the Mirror of Nature(1979),Consequences of Pragmatism(1982), andContingency, Irony, and Solidarity(1989).
This change in contemporary philosophy came in Richard Rorty’s Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979). In it, Rorty argued that philosophy as a method should be removed from its high pedestal and should eschew its role as the adjudicator and arbiter of disputes among other intellectual dis...
Afterword: Remembering Richard Rorty was published in Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature on page 423.
1. 罗蒂 即使像罗蒂(Richard Rorty)这种典型的后现代主义者也不愿背负“相对主义”的恶名,而将自己的观点称为“种族中心主义”。问…|基于507个网页 2. 哲学家罗蒂 哲学家罗蒂(Richard Rorty)在《哲学与社会希望》一书中指出:希望不只是设定目标,而且也是一种思维方向,只有在希望的思 … ...
Rorty contributed to many different areas of inquiry, and with the exception ofGascoigne 2008, there have been few attempts to offer a detailed overview of his work that encompasses the earlier contributions to the philosophy of mind.Brandom 2000identifies what the author takes to be the “master...
The whole process is of a statistical nature such as Brownian motion or the motion of molecules in a gas. The energy of each light quantum is inversely proportional to its wave length. The impact of the quanta affects the state of motion of the particle, and this effect increases with the...
In der 1979 erschienenen kritischen Studie führt Rorty eine Art Inventur des Bestands an philosophischen Erkenntnistheorien durch: Im ersten Teil des Werks befasst er sich mit den Auswirkungen der Bewusstseinsphilosophie des 17. Jh.s auf die Entwicklung
Richard Rorty’s (1931–2007) autobiographical article “Trotsky and the Wild Orchids” (1992, henceforth TWO) described his philosophical education and intellectual journey up to the writing of his last and controversial “philosophical” bookContingency, Irony, and Solidarity(1989, henceforth CIS). ...