This document is part of Subvolume A3 'Structure Types. Part 4: Space Groups (189) P-62m- (174) P-6' of Volume 43 'Crystal Structures of Inorganic Compounds' of Landolt-Börnstein - Group III 'Condensedoi:10.1007/10920527_518P. Villars...
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Die geometrischen Beziehungen zu den Kristallstrukturen von Rh20Si13 und Zr6Ni20P13 werden diskutiert. Abstract Investigations in the section Tl2Se-Ag2Se led to the detection of the intermediate phase Tl6Ag20−xSe14−y. This new compound is of metallic appearance and crystallizes in the ...
ChemInform Abstract: Crystal Structure of Tl6Ag20-xSe14-y and Its Relations to the Rh20Si13- and Zr6Ni20P13-Type Structuresstructure (solids and liquids)The new title compound, observed as intermediate phase in the Tl2Se-Ag2Se section, crystallizes in the hexagonal system, space group P63/...
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