If you’re Rh-negative and your baby is Rh-positive, try not to worry. At around 28 weeks, the doctor will give you a shot of Rh immunoglobulin (RhIG). This drug stops your body from making antibodies for the rest of your pregnancy. You may need a dose after delivery, too. If yo...
My dr. told me with both my pregnancies that I had to have the Rogam shot during pregnancy because I am negative and the father is positive. If not, and the baby is positive, my body WILL KILL IT as if it is an alien. Reply Jevin Carter says: I’m AB- , I guess this is ...
Why is rubella during pregnancy a threat to the fetus? What is pollination and why is it important? What is an intrinsic factor? Explain the distribution of blood and factors that alter the distribution of blood. What are the different types of blood, and what makes them different?
In this condition, an Rh-negative woman who becomes pregnant with an Rh-positive fetus (an unborn child) sometimes develops anti-bodies against the Rh factor in the fetus. This development usually causes no problem during the woman's first pregnancy, since the number of anti-bodies produced ...
Photocatalysts have recently attracted attention for removing infectious-disease-causing bacteria and viruses. Among such photocatalysts, ground Rh-doped SrTiO3 (“g-STO:Rh”) has been found to have biospecificity that reduces the Qβ phage infectivity u