1) Rh negative pregnant woman Rh阴性孕妇2) HBsAg negative mother HBsAg阴性孕妇3) Rh-negative Rh阴性 1. Clinical study of 44 cases of Rh-negative pregnant women; Rh阴性孕妇44例临床分析 更多例句>> 4) rhesus-negative (rhesus system) Rh 阴性 (Rh 系统)...
That's why it's dangerous when an Rh negative woman becomes pregnant with an Rh positive baby. 这两种血型不相溶,也就是说如果它们混合在一起,可能会发生致命反应。这也是 Rh 阴性血型女性孕育 Rh 阳性胎儿非常危险的原因。 If the baby's red...
INFORMATION FOR THE RH‐NEGATIVE PREGNANT WOMANS. BenderBJOG: an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology
Objective: To investigate the management,pregnancy outcome and influential factors of Rh-negative pregnant women.Methods:50 pregnant women of Rh negative blood type were retrospectively observed.The clinical feature,management and pregnancy outcome were recorded.50 cases over the same period of Rh-positiv...
An untreated, RhD-negative,nulliparouswoman has a 15% to 20% likelihood of becoming sensitized after carrying a D-positive fetus.11Although the likelihood of hemolysis usually increases in subsequent pregnancies, a first pregnancy has a small chance of being affected byHDFN. Multipleblood group in...
RhDnegativeseSensitisingevents woman*ProphylaxisangotherindicationsforRhDlg[refertoSectionsReutineRhD immunoglobulinprophylaxisandSensitisingevents] ProvidewrittenconsumerinformationaboutRhDlg;djscussbenefitsandrisks. FetalRHDtest{NIPA)availableforRhDnegativepregnantwomenwho24: oAreRhDalloimmunised(havepre-formedanti...
Every pregnant woman gets the Rh factor test during each pregnancy. It's one of the first and most important tests you'll have. You usually get it in the first trimester unless you have vaginal bleeding. How many other tests you get depend on the results: ...
her online friends named “the life of the death sea” saying that a pregnant woman in the Liping People's Hospital had suffered from massive haemorrhage because of ectopicpregnancy5. The woman was in acoma6and badly needed a blood transfusion. Her blood type was the AB Rh negative blood...
immunization, fetomaternal hemorrhage, pregnancy, Rhesus Introduction Alloimmunization to red blood cell (RBC) antigens occurs mostly due to antigen-positive blood transfusion to antigen- negative individuals or pregnancy with an antigen-positive fetus when the pregnant woman herself is antigen-negative....
Define Rh antibody. Rh antibody synonyms, Rh antibody pronunciation, Rh antibody translation, English dictionary definition of Rh antibody. Noun 1. Rh antibody - rhesus factor antibody antibody - any of a large variety of proteins normally present in the