Blue / 3430#00143a ΔE = 2.851 / LRV ≈ 0.8% #000e3a HTML / CSS Code Examples Hex RGB HSL #000e3a foreground I paint for myself. I don't know how to do anything else, anyway. Also I have to earn my living, and occupy myself.Francis Bacon … #000e3a background Art must be...
rgbMidnightBlue 7346457 蓝黑色 rgbMediumSeaGreen 7451452 中海绿色 rgbSalmon 7504122 浅橙色 rgbDarkSalmon 8034025 深橙红 rgbLightSalmon 8036607 浅橙红 rgbSpringGreen 8388352 草绿色 rgbNavy 8388608 海军蓝 rgbNavyBlue 8388608 海军蓝 rgbPurple 8388736 紫色 rgbTeal 8421376 青色 rgbG...
240 230 Midnight Blue ミッドナイトブルー 5PB 1.5 2 #000033 #0a1a33 #001f43 #00152D #252a35 c80m50y0k80 241 231 Hyacinth ヒヤシンス 5.5PB 5.5 6 #66b3ff #66b3ff #659ad2 #7586BB #6e82ad c60m30y0k0 242 232 Navy Blue ネイビーブルー 6PB 2.5 4 #00004d #17264d #1f2f54...
Naruto HEX color for midnight blue can be found below. #00004B Naruto HEX color for red can be found below. #FF0000 Color Codes ofNarutoin HEX HEX Color Names for NarutoHEX Color Code for Naruto Yellow#FDD501 Black#000000 White#FFFFFF ...
rgbMediumSlateBlue 15624315 Medium Slate Blue rgbMediumSpringGreen 10156544 Medium Spring Green rgbMediumTurquoise 13422920 Medium Turquoise rgbMediumVioletRed 8721863 Medium Violet Red rgbMidnightBlue 7346457 Midnight Blue rgbMintCream 16449525 Mint Cream rgbMistyRose 14804223 Misty Rose rgbMoccasin 11920639 ...
Click and Copy the codes below for quick use. Color of the text Background color Box border Text shadow Box shadow Shades & Tints Complementary Color USAFA Blue on Wikipedia Air Force blue azure, subtly different from US Air Forceblue, in its sporting and other insignia, described asUSAFAblue...
In the RGB color model #2c2929 is composed of 17.25% red, 16.08% green and 16.08% blue. In the HSL color space #2c2929 has a hue of 0° (degrees), 4% saturation and 17% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 611.37 nm. This color is used in the Georges Seurat:...
Product name:3D Led Night Light;Function:Ngiht Lamp;Keywords:3D Decoration Night Light;Item:3d illusion night light;Feature:Eco-friendly;Color:Multi-changing;Style:Modern Art Unique;Light Color:16 Colors RGB Remote;Type:Table Night Light Lamp;Material:AB
7、aGreen2180 238 180 #B4EEB42 / 19 Black0 0 0 #000000 DarkSlateGray47 79 79 #2F4F4F DimGrey105 105 105 #696969 SlateGrey112 128 144 #708090 LightSlateGray119 136 153 #778899 Grey190 190 190 #BEBEBE LightGray211 211 211 #D3D3D3 MidnightBlue25 25 112 #191970 8、NavyBlue0 0 ...
When they are printed together they should make up red, green and blue (and black if they are all printed) but the printing inks are not theoretically perfect, so the black plate (K) is added to make up for that, and so you get the CMYK color mode, but the particular CMYK, you ...