The hexadecimal color code #3b4754 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #3b4754 is composed of 23.14% red, 27.84% green and 32.94% blue. In the HSL color space #3b4754 has a hue of 211° (degrees), 17% saturation and 28% lightness. This color has an ...
The hexadecimal color code #30343f is a dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #30343f is composed of 18.82% red, 20.39% green and 24.71% blue. In the HSL color space #30343f has a hue of 224° (degrees), 14% saturation and 22% lightness. This color has an approximate wavel...
New color scheme Attempts to force-stop a runaway/stuck OpMode without restarting the entire app Not all types of runaway conditions are stoppable, but if the user code attempts to talk to hardware during the runaway, the system should be able to capture it. Makes various tweaks to the ...
The hexadecimal color code #334882 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #334882 is composed of 20.0% red, 28.24% green and 50.98% blue. In the HSL color space #334882 has a hue of 224° (degrees), 44% saturation and 35% lightness. This color has an approximate...
The hexadecimal color code #432938 is a dark shade of magenta-pink. In the RGB color model #432938 is composed of 26.27% red, 16.08% green and 21.96% blue. In the HSL color space #432938 has a hue of 325° (degrees), 24% saturation and 21% lightness. This color has an approxima...
The hexadecimal color code #60476a is a medium dark shade of magenta. In the RGB color model #60476a is composed of 37.65% red, 27.84% green and 41.57% blue. In the HSL color space #60476a has a hue of 283° (degrees), 20% saturation and 35% lightness. This color has an approxi...
The hexadecimal color code #484d61 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #484d61 is composed of 28.24% red, 30.2% green and 38.04% blue. In the HSL color space #484d61 has a hue of 228° (degrees), 15% saturation and 33% lightness. This color has an approximate...