The hexadecimal color code #3b4754 is a medium dark shade of cyan-blue. In the RGB color model #3b4754 is composed of 23.14% red, 27.84% green and 32.94% blue. In the HSL color space #3b4754 has a hue of 211° (degrees), 17% saturation and 28% lightness. This color has an ...
★ Purple Sage 1 / 50RB 10/219#624b6e ΔE = 1.576 / LRV ≈ 8.8% Crown Paint ★ 1978 Purple#604967 ΔE = 1.612 / LRV ≈ 8.2% Coronado Paint ★ 7109 - Iris Impact#634567 ΔE = 1.64 / LRV ≈ 7.9% CHROMATIC ★ 0565-Violet Tacco - Dorval-CH2#5f4369 ΔE = 1.641 / LRV ≈...
When user is configuring an Expansion Hub, the LED on the Expansion Hub will change blink pattern (purple-cyan) to indicate which Hub is currently being configured. Renamed I2cSensorType to I2cDeviceType. Added an external sample Op Mode that demonstrates localization using 2018-2019 (Rover Rucku...
★ Mistic Purple / S 4055-R70B#354986 ΔE = 1.033 / LRV ≈ 7.2% CHROMATIC ★ 0584-Bleu Kerama / 0584-Blue Kerama - Dorval-CH2#354986 ΔE = 1.033 / LRV ≈ 7.2% Volkswagen ★ Barrier Blue#33467d ΔE = 1.112 / LRV ≈ 6.6% Nippon Paint ★ Dynasty / NP PB 1505 A#2d4780 ΔE...
The hexadecimal color code #432938 is a dark shade of magenta-pink. In the RGB color model #432938 is composed of 26.27% red, 16.08% green and 21.96% blue. In the HSL color space #432938 has a hue of 325° (degrees), 24% saturation and 21% lightness. This color has an approxima...
#3e424d Original#30343f 25% darker#282a31 Web safe: navy#000080 25% desaturated#32353e HTML: darkslategray#2f4f4f Related Named Colors Closely Related Gunmetal#2a3439 Outer space (Crayola)#2d383a Onyx#353839 Disappearing purple (Metsushi)#3f313a Jet#343434 Intermediately Related Heart ...
The hexadecimal color code #484d61 is a medium dark shade of blue. In the RGB color model #484d61 is composed of 28.24% red, 30.2% green and 38.04% blue. In the HSL color space #484d61 has a hue of 228° (degrees), 15% saturation and 33% lightness. This color has an approximate...