Explorer Options 2007 Dec 037:10 AM 0Kudos 3,758 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity halo fellow SAPiens, when i try to connect to the ftp server through SAPit says RFC to program SAPFTP failed how can i correct this prb... 2 REPLIES Former Member...
We use an external sapftp on a weblogic server to transfert documents (purchase orders attachments) from the web frontend to our SAP Content Server connected to our ERP. The call sequence on the ERP backend is : YMM_GED_BAPI_CREATE ... CV120_FTP_START_REG_SERVER ... CALL FUNCTION 'SYS...
If I use the RFC "SAPFTPA", the function module FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 doesn't work anymore. No error occurs but the program where I embedded the FM, seems to hang without any reaction. I can only shotdown the transaction. My question: Can anybody tell me why this error may happen when...
For instance, the "lpr" service type may be defined with service: URLs in the following form: service:printer:lpr:///<queue name> The section of the URL after the address of the printer: "/" <queue name> is specific to the lpr service type and corresponds to the <url-path> field ...
They SHOULD be used by administrative tools to parse service registration information and by client applications to provide localized translations of service attribute strings. 本文档描述了定义和标准化新服务类型和属性以用于“服务:”方案的正式过程。服务类型和属性的形式化描述是人类和机器可以理解的模板。
I have IDOC to SOAP and SAP to FTP scenarios. all these message are failed in sxmb_moni as JCO_Communication_Failure. Thanks 05-05-2015 19-21-52.png iaki_vila Active Contributor 2015 May 05 0 Kudos Hi Reddy, Are you sure the RFC endpoint was up when the exception was raised...