NW ABAP Remote Function Call (RFC) Dear Gurus, SAPOSS RFC Failed From dev_rout log: Fri Jun 29 10:34:50 2018 *** ERROR => NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 48 received rc=-104 (NIEROUT_SNC_FAILURE) from peer [nibuf.cpp 2146] *** ERROR => NiBufIProcMsg: hdl 49 received rc=-104 (NIEROUT...
Solutions Run transaction SECSTORE, and check the Secure Storage sync status. And for the RFC connection “SAPOSS” (actually together with many other RFC connections and other objects) will get error message like “System-dependent data for entry /RFC/SAPOSS changed: ….." and the procedure ...
When I'm trying to connect to the SAP OSS it gives me: Host name /H/ unknown. Before it worked fine but now it gives me that error. My SAP Router running fine. And this is my SAProuttab. Any suggestions? Regards, Arma...
Then I sow that my SAPOSS was working fine using OSS_RFC. So I used data from 182308 / User OSS_RFC / Password CPIC and updated SAP-OSS and SAP-OSS-LIST-O01 so they started to work under OSS_RFC user and then under SOLMAN_SETUP / System Preparation / Specify Connectivity Data I ...
Hi Gurus, I have steup connection using OSS1 and SAP-OSS, and I have gor the same error: [Thr 2904] * LOCATION SAProuter 38.10 on 'mpi-server' [Thr 2904]
确保Internet 通信框架端口处于打开状态。 ErrorCode:RFCSoapApiNotEnabled 登录SAP 系统 转到事务代码“SICF”。 导航到服务路径/default_host/sap/bc/soap/。 右键单击 ping 服务,然后选择“测试服务”。 SAP 将启动默认浏览器。 如果无法访问端口或测试失败,请在 SAP VM 中打开端口。
最常见的说明和我们的起点是OSS Note 93042。这个说明首先提供了一个关于SAPFTP是什么的好描述:一个通过RFC从ABAP访问的客户端RFC应用程序。但我们也发现,除了SAPFTP是内核的一部分之外,它也是SAPGui的一部分。这意味着我们可以从我们的R/3服务器或从客户端工作站执行FTP命令。
A Push Channel Protocol (PCP) message can be more formally described using the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) grammar used in HTTP/1.1RFC 2616. Figure 1 shows the structure of a PCP message. Figure 1: BNF grammer of Push Channel Protocol messagestructure ...
Many times we come across when our SM59 RFC connection SAPOSS or other connections related to SAPNet is not working, most of the time due to wrong password, which you we
INFO 2006-04-16 15:54:26 Executing function call SUSR_USER_CHANGE_PASSWORD_RFC. ERROR 2006-04-16 15:54:26 A 此错误可以忽略 B 我是跳过去了。可以打开登录界面。但是用用户 DDIC登录,说用户或者密码错误。我明明是在最 后一步把该用户密码改了的。 有没有方法改变 该用户密码或者使用其它用户? C...