SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I don‘t know if it help you. Try to check FM RFC_HOST_TO_IP. The prefix depends on the setting in the tab "Technical setting" and the connection type. you can remove the prefix for example like in the following code: REPORT ZTEST. DATA: ...
Solved: I want to test namely ping a rfc destination type G to see whether it is working or not I found some function but none of them works for type G . they give the
7. The exe file should run in the same domain/LAN of your SAP server. You can test the connection in SM59.It should be obvoius that the main option is "Registered Server Program" and not "Start...". And "ProgramID" or "registration name" is an arbitrary string that just need to ...
o_SAPFunctions.Connection.User = "RFCUSER" o_SAPFunctions.Connection.Password = "***" o_SAPFunctions.Connection.Language = "ZH" If Not o_SAPFunctions.Connection.Logon(0, True) Then ' MsgBox "No access to R/3 System!", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Alert" End If End...
SAP开发者指导 第十五章 RFC的使用 RFC是“Remote Function Call”的简写,中文意思为远程函数调用。RFC是SAP系统之间 或SAP系统与外部通讯的标准方式。下面是外部系统与R3服务器之间进行RFC通讯的原理图:运用RFC通讯,通常有如下几个步骤:1、创建RFC用户 2、创建RFC函数 3、远程函数调用(SAP系统之间、SAP系统与非...
Note: For connection steps, please refer to.Start the Designer in Eclipse 3. Defining the program data set Once the database is connected, define the program data set and convert the data into a virtual table via our program data source interface, the ParamSAPDataTest class file is coded ...
You have configured RFC destinations of type HTTP in the transaction SM59. Examples of these destinations are GB_DPS, GB_DPSRETRIEVE, GB_EOY_XI, GB_XI_POLL, SAP-SUPPORT_PORTAL. When testing the connection the following error occurs: HTTPIO_PLG_CANCELED.
Standard Program/Function module to test RFC connection Former Member on 2009 Apr 29 0 Kudos 14,506 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration Hi Any standard function module to check whether RFC connection is working, before I say I execute something on a remote system apart from...
IMPORTANT: This tutorial is part of the missionConnect Your On-Premise System with SAP BTP, ABAP Environment. Please work through the previous tutorials in the mission first; otherwise this tutorial may not work The class: Connects to the backend system, such as an S/4HANA on-premise system...
Create system users for remote connection (RFC_CONN). This user must have SAP_ALL authorisation. Create RFC connections in SRM system. Go to transactionSM59on SRM side and click on 'create' button. Set RFC destination name to backend system CLNT (eg. R3DCLNT200), connection type to 3 (ab...