SAP XI常用事务代码 IDX2查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOC mate date转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样 IDX5根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XML messages in idoc adapter IDX1查看IDOC Port (port maintenance in idoc adapter)在这个里配置destination (这个在SM59),如果传输有问题,可...
权限参数文件配置Su53 查看权限对象 st01 跟踪St22 看dump,以分析错误 eg.找到ABAP程序出错的地方,找出founction,用se37查看找到的founction,找到有关权限检查(authority check),找到object,在pfcg中添加object并赋予权限/h debugsu01 建用户ID,TMSADM这个用户不能锁定,它是系统默认的传输用户,SAPSYS也是系统用户,不...
printer setting problem, maybe chinese language package to be installed; Please check the device type in SAP , if you use CNSAPWIN, it should be ok.; 我改了设备类型为CNSAPWIN,还是一样的,汉字打成 “#” 如果设置都没问题的话,可能是SAP打印服务程序有问题。我们以前也遇到过,后来请sap的顾问改了...
SAPXI常用的TCODE 文章分类:行业应用 IDX2查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOCmatedate转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样 IDX5根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XMLmessagesinidocadapter IDX1查看IDOCPort(portmaintenanceinidocadapter)在这个里配置destination(这个在SM59),如果传输有问题,...
IDX2 查看IDOC结构,如果发现XI与SAP发送来的IDOC mate date 转换失败,可以用这个事务代码查看两边的结构是否一样 IDX5 根据日期进行查看发送和接收的IDOC,XML messages in idoc adapter IDX1 查看IDOC Port (port maintenance in idoc adapter) 在这个里配置 destination (这 个 在 SM59),如果传输有问题,可以在...
table TSTC:sap transactions codes table TSTCT:transaction descriptions SPAM:apply ABAP support packages SPAU:manage objects after apply support packages SLDCHECK:Test SLD Connection SLDAPICUST:SLD API Customizing SE01:manage change requests SE09:Change Request SE10:Change Request SE11:Data dictionary...
b. Activate the node SAPconnect. 4. SCOT a. Use the default SMTP node. b. check the check box (Node in use) in "General Information". c. Provide the Mail host in "SMTP Connection". d. click on internet in "Support Address types". e. provide a * in "Address area". f. For ...
SPAM SAP Patch ManagerSPAU Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications SPCC Spool; consistency checkSPDD Intersection SAP transport/customer modifications, DDIC SPIC Spool; installation check ST01 SAP system trace XST02 Buffer statistics ST03 Workload analysisST04 Database performance analysis ...
DB14ShowSAPDBAActionLogs DB15DataArchiving:DatabaseTables DB16DBSystemCheck:Monitor DB17DMIGDB2DB20 DBSystemCheck:ConfigurationStartTransactionforDataMigrationSelectDatabaseActivitiesDBCost-BasedOptimizer:Tab.Stats BASIS事务码AL01AL02AL03AL04AL05AL06AL07AL08AL09AL10AL11 AL12 AL13AL15 AL16 AL17AL18...
Reorganization is a process of structuring the database to improve its performance.In most cases we only Reorganize specific tables. For every process followed or