RFC Remote function Call 远程功能调用, 是SAP系统之间以及非SAP系统之间程序通信的基本接口技术. 例如BAPI , ALE都是基于RFC实现的。 RFC连接类型: 1. 类型2: R/2连接 2. 类型3: ABAP连接或R/3连接,指定主机名和通信服务 3. 类型I:内部连接,与当前系统连接到同一ABAP系统中,预定义无法修改,与SM51中所显...
对SAP系统而言,RFC最常见的系统间通信方式,SAP与SAP系统及SAP与非SAP系统之间的连接都可以使用它。它的使用便利,功能强大,在各种接口技术中,往往是最受(ABAP开发者)青睐的选择。 查询接口通信的日志记录,有助于排查和解决相关开发工作中遇到的问题(以及甩锅给对方系统)。对于webservice接口,有事务代码SRT_UTIL(Web S...
首先登录 ABAP On-Premises 系统,运行事物码:aco_proxy,为 RFC 函数 RFC_SYSTEM_INFO 和 RFC_READ_TABLE, 生成代理类元数据,格式为 xml. 将 xml 文件另存到本地。 使用ABAP Development Tool 登录 SAP BTP ABAP 运行环境,新建一个 Service Consumption Model,类型选择 RFC: 生成一个 Proxy Class,我们稍后会...
接下来,新建一个module,编写连接到SAP的代码: Option Explicit Dim sapLogonAsSAPLogonCtrl.SAPLogonControl Dim sapConnectionAsSAPLogonCtrl.ConnectionPublicSubLogon()Set sapLogon=NewSAPLogonCtrl.SAPLogonControl Set sapConnection=sapLogon.NewConnection()' Logon parameters: hwnd, silent'sapConnection.Lo...
RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER loginParams[1]; RFC_ERROR_INFO errorInfo; RFC_CONNECTION_HANDLE connection; RFC_FUNCTION_DESC_HANDLE z_perform_callback, stfc_connection; RFC_FUNCTION_HANDLE functionContainer; SAP_UC data[256]; loginParams[0].name = cU("dest"); loginParams[0].value = cU("SPJ");...
1 打开SAP 客户端,登录ABAP开发账号 2 输入事务码 'SE80' 资源库浏览器找到函数组中函数或输入事务码 'SE37' 输入函数名称进入函数源代码 3 选择断点行,点击上方外部断点按钮,打上外部断点Debug标记 4 选择抬头菜单栏 '实用程序' ,点击 '设置'5 在设置中,选择...
6. Write an ABAP program to call the RFC with destination as created in 5th setp. 7. The exe file should run in the same domain/LAN of your SAP server. You can test the connection in SM59.It should be obvoius that the main option is "Registered Server Program" and not "Start.....
Error when opening an RFC connection (CPIC-CALL: 'ThSAPOCMINIT' : cmRc=2 thRc=676) Go to solution Former Member on 2012 Dec 05 0 Kudos 125,707 SAP Managed Tags: SAP NetWeaver Dear experts, Since a couple of hours this error occurs in our BI system: Logon Connection ...
Call a remote function module located in an on-premise system, such as a SAP S/4HANA System, from the ABAP Environment You will learn How to create a secure RFC connection between your SAP BTP, ABAP Environment and an on-premise SAP System, e.g. SAP S/4HANA How to test the connecti...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration Hi, I have PI 7.1 system that using central SLD system not local SLD system. so when i am trying to configure another ECC 6 system to using ABAP Proxy i a bit confiuse to change setting of "SAPSLDAPI" RFC connection. The scenario is DEMOSLD...