using SAP.Middleware.Connector; namespace SAPTest { classProgram { staticvoid Main(string[] args) { TestSAPConnection test = new TestSAPConnection(); test.TestConnection(); } } classTestSAPConnection { publicvoid TestConnection() { Start(); RfcDestination destination = RfcDestinationManager.Get...
目标为非SAP系统时,该功能通过RFC库中的API实现(RfcAbort或RfcClose),或通过功能模块RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE显示关闭RFC连接 RFM调用中的LUM和隐式数据库提交 SAP存在特定的数据库提交和回滚机制,该机制就是通过LUW(逻辑工作单元)实现的。通常情况下的功能模块和柱程序位于相同的LUM中,因此不会触发数据库提交或回滚的过...
Connection对象的重要属性 ApplicationServer:应用程序服务器,为IP地址或者字符串,String类型System:GUI登陆界面设置的系统标识,String类型SystemNumber:GUI登陆界面设置的实例编号,Long类型SAPRouter:GUI登陆界面设置中的SAPRouter字符串,外网访问需要设置的路由字符串,String类型 Client、User、Password、Language,很直观,不多说...
7. The exe file should run in the same domain/LAN of your SAP server. You can test the connection in SM59.It should be obvoius that the main option is "Registered Server Program" and not "Start...". And "ProgramID" or "registration name" is an arbitrary string that just need to ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration, NW ABAP Remote Function Call (RFC) Hi, I have created a rfc-connection in mySAPERP to SAP PI. When I want to test the rfc-connection in mySAPERP, I get following error in transaction sm58: "error while opening a rfc-connection". Last frida...
Contrary to SAP R/2 (IBM), the SAP gateway does not need a specific entry in its sideinfo file if all needed parameters are specified in the local sideinfo file or if they are defined in the RFC client programs. An RFC client program can work...
重新设计了 SAP connection 的处理方法:Nco3.0 中开发者不需要自己去管理与 SAP 的连接 (Connection):不需要打开连接、关闭连接、Connection 对象销毁等等。所有这一切由 .Net connectior 3.0 来管理。 增强对大量交易数据(不是 big data,而是 mass transactions 或 heavy load scenario) 处理的能力 ...
Adding theSAPGWsettings in definition like follows: Raw <bean class="" id="connectionServerData"> <property name="gwhost" value="SAP_DESTINATION_GWHOST"/> <pro...
RFC connection "SAPSLDAPI" for remote / central SLD system Go to solution Former Member on 2009 Sep 01 0 Kudos 96 SAP Managed Tags: SAP Process Integration Hi, I have PI 7.1 system that using central SLD system not local SLD system. so when i am trying to configure ...
SAPFunctionsClass functions=newSAPFunctionsClass(); functions.Connection=conn;//这里就可以传入Function NameFunction fucntion = (Function)functions.Add("***");//这里是传入值参数Parameter parameter1 = (Parameter)fucntion.get_Exports("***"); parameter1.Value...