importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassMain{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){Scannerscanner=newScanner(;System.out.println("请输入电子邮件地址:");Stringemail=scanner.nextLine();// 验证电子邮件地址的格式StringemailPattern="^[A-Za-z0-9+_.-]+@(.+)$";booleanisValidFormat=email.matches(e...
This memo is a preliminary evaluation of RFC 5322 "Internet Message\nFormat" for advancement from Draft to Full Standard. It has been\nprepared by the The Yet Another Mail Working Group. THIS INTERNET\nDRAFT IS NOT MEANT TO BE PUBLISHED AS AN RFC, BUT IS WRITTEN TO\nFACILITATE PROCESSING...
Sisimai is a library that decodes complex and diverse bounce emails and outputs the results of the delivery failure, such as the reason for the bounce and the recipient email address, in structured data. It is also possible to output in JSON format. ...
A Clojure library for parsing email addresses according to RFC 5322 grammarsemailmessagingbnfmessagesabnfrfc822rfc2822rfc5322instaparse UpdatedMay 14, 2020 Clojure (Mirror) Email enCOder DECoder in Rust. Support Internet Message Format and MIME (RFC822, RFC5322, RFC2045, RFC2046, RFC2047, RFC2048...
...例如:2006-08-14T02:34:56-06:00 -R, --rfc-email 按照RFC 5322格式输出,例如: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 02:34:56 -0600 --rfc...-3339=FMT 按照RFC 3339格式输出,FMT可以为’date’, ‘seconds’,'ns’中的一个, 例如:2006-08-14 02:34:56-06:00 -r, --reference...
HTML, ISO 8601, RFC 3339, RFC 5322 对比日期和时间,对于不同系统和平台之间的数据交换和互操作至关重要。...详细格式对比标准 HTML/ISO 8601/RFC 3339 RFC 5322 日期 YYYY-MM-DD ...
html-iso-8601-rfc-3339-rfc-5322-comparison-20240301195432 表格文字版见文末-附 1.1. 标准链接 HTML 标准: ISO 8601: ...
ISO 8601: RFC 3339: RFC 5322: 1.2. 详细格式对比 hhmm:hh * 60 + mm Z表示 时区 UTC (A U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z character...
To parse email addresses contained in the message headers (To: From: BCC, CC), look instead at an RFC 2822/5322 parser such as address-rfc2822 or email-addresses. Installation npm install address-rfc2821 Usage const Address = require('address-rfc2821').Address; const parsed = new Address...