邮件地址的定义(Email Address Specification) 电子邮件用了N年了,也知道邮件地址的格式就是“用户名@域名”的格式,但是还没真正研究过什么是一个合法的邮件地址,为此特别查了一下相关的协议。 邮件地址用于Internet上的邮件传输,在RFC5321和RFC5322中定义。实际上这两个RFC上修订后版本了,最初的版本是RFC821和RFC8...
邮件地址的定义(Email Address Specification) 电子邮件用了N年了,也知道邮件地址的格式就是“用户名@域名”的格式,但是还没真正研究过什么是一个合法的邮件地址,为此特别查了一下相关的协议。 邮件地址用于Internet上的邮件传输,在RFC5321和RFC5322中定义。实际上这两个RFC上修订后版本了,最初的版本是RFC821和RFC8...
email address翻译成中文“email address”对应的中文表述为“电子邮件地址”,这一翻译在技术、商务和日常交流场景中被广泛使用。以下是关于该术语的延伸解读和应用场景分析。 一、术语定义与构成 “电子邮件地址”是互联网用户收发电子邮件的唯一标识符,由三个核心部分组成:用户...
Valid email address (RFC5322) 0 Regular Expression PCRE (PHP <7.3) / \b[\w.!#$%&’*+\/=?^`{|}~-]+@[\w-]+(?:\.[\w-]+)*\b / mg Open regex in editor Description RFC5322 RFC6854 updates RFC5322 Submitted by anonymous - 5 years ago ...
Email software that wants to access a user's email account has to know the server(s) to connect to. This used to be manually configured, but nowadays is often done using the user's email address through a service discovery process. ...
5.7.512Access denied, message must be RFC 5322 section 3.6.2 compliantMessage was sent without a valid "From" email address.Office 365 only. Each message must contain a valid email address in the "From" header field. Proper formatting of this address includ...
When using EAI, the local-part of the email address is still limited in the use of whether specific characters can appear outside of quotation marks as defined in RFC 5322. For example, an email address can't have more than one unquoted @ character, which is used to separate the local-...
5.7.512 Access denied, message must be RFC 5322 section 3.6.2 compliant Message was sent without a valid "From" email address. Office 365 only. Each message must contain a valid email address in the "From" header field. Proper formatting of this address includes angle brackets around the em...
An RFC 5322 email address parser. v 5.0.0 What? Want to see if something could be an email address? Want to grab the display name or just the address out of a string? Put your regexes down and use this parser! This library does not validate email addresses - we can't really do th...