elicit ineffective immune responses. However, patients with cHL are highly responsive to PD-1 blockade, which largely depends on HRS cell-specific retention of MHC class II and implicates CD4+T cells and additional MHC class I-independent immune effectors. Here, we utilize single-cell RNA...
cAMPr: a single-wavelength fluorescent sensor for cyclic AMP Sci. Signal., 11 (2018), p. eaah3738 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Han et al., 2011 C. Han, L.Y. Jan, Y.N. Jan Enhancer-driven membrane markers for analysis of nonautonomous mechanisms reveal neuron-glia interactions in Drosop...
Finally, plotting a Sankey diagram to observe where module membership changes from controls to HF (Fig.1c) revealed large rewiring of coexpression structure. Shared core structure modules such as electron transport chain (ETC) and metabolism genes mostly remained in the same module (dark red in ...
accounting for other known biological limitations. The process for determining possible gene targets and assessing implementability is diagrammed in Fig.1. We began by adding an in silico reaction for indigoidine, to the genome scale metabolic model iJN146216. This reaction represents the biosynthesis...
We expressed FLAG-Zscan4f, FLAG-Zscan4f3A, or the Discosoma red fluorescent protein (dsRed; as a control) in secondary mouse embryonic fibroblast cells carrying four doxycycline (Dox)-inducible Yamanaka factors, namely, Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc (hereinafter referred to as OSKM-2ndMEFs...