Create or open a 3D view of the portion of the model you would like to view in VR. Prospect loads only the geometry that is visible in the current 3D view, this includes abiding by crop boxes and elements hidden via visibility/graphics.Learn how to optimize your file here. With your 3D...
View3D.CreatePerspective();创建透视三维视图; Creation.Document.NewViewDrafting(); ViewPlan.Create();创建平面视图; ViewPlan.CreateAreaPlan();创建面积平面视图; ViewSchedule.CreateViewList();创建视图列表; ViewSchedule.CreateKeynoteLegend();创建注释记号图例; ViewSchedule.CreateKeySchedule();创建关键字明...
主要分为四个部分:Project Map、View Map、Layout Book、Publisher Set。分别对应着建筑师日常工作中的...
View Project Image courtesy of mah705 Autodesk Revit resources Get learning guides for your Revit trial CUSTOMER RESOURCE Customer Value Hub See how Autodesk and the AEC Community work together, sharing ideas that define what’s next for Revit. ...
A post in the forum mentions that “I have a list of Walls and I want to create a new View3D with the same walls but containing only the ‘Structure’ function layers”. We can do this nicely with the Part functionality and the Revit API. ...
三维视图_相机;默认三维视图_相机---ID_VIEW_NEW_3DVIEW---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 三维视图_漫游;默认三维视图_漫游---ID_VIEW_NEW_WALKTHROUGH---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 剖面---ID_VIEW_NEW_SECTION---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 平面区域;平面视图...
View Project Image courtesy of mah705 Autodesk Revit resources Get learning guides for your Revit trial CUSTOMER RESOURCE Customer Value Hub See how Autodesk and the AEC Community work together, sharing ideas that define what’s next for Revit. ...
过滤器是 AngularJS 的核心特性之一,它可以帮助我们在模板中对数据进行排序、过滤、格式化等操作,从而更...
View Project Image courtesy of mah705 Autodesk Revit resources Get learning guides for your Revit trial CUSTOMER RESOURCE Customer Value Hub See how Autodesk and the AEC Community work together, sharing ideas that define what’s next for Revit. Visit Customer Value Hub PRODUCT NEWS See...
1. Create or Open a Revit project that includes multiple views.2. Make sure that the active view is a plan view.3. Click on the button "Create And Sync" (Add-ins Tab >> 3D Sync Pro Panel >> Create And Sync) to create the 3d view and the section views....