Code Region: Creating a Perspective 3D view // Find a 3D view typeIEnumerableviewFamilyTypes=fromeleminnewFilteredElementCollector(document).OfClass(typeof(ViewFamilyType))lettype=elemasViewFamilyTypewheretype.ViewFamily==ViewFamily.ThreeDimensionalselecttype;// Create a new Perspective View3DView3Dvi...
三维视图;默认三维视图---ID_VIEW_DEFAULT_3DVIEW---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 三维视图_相机;默认三维视图_相机---ID_VIEW_NEW_3DVIEW---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 三维视图_漫游;默认三维视图_漫游---ID_VIEW_NEW_WALKTHROUGH---视图->创建;快速访问工具栏--- 剖面---ID_VIEW_NEW_SECTION...
6.将钢筋在当前的三维中显示为实体。 rebar3.SetSolidInView(view3D,true); 这样就基本实现了这个功能 整体效果(可以在任何面上布置) 细部效果 本文版权归腿腿教学网及原创作者所有,未经授权,谢绝转载。
After the projection type is determined, you must specify the conditions under which the 3D model is needed and the scene is to be rendered. For more information about projection, refer to theView 3Dsection. 全局坐标包括以下内容:World coordinates include the following: 观察者眼睛的位置。The vie...
Default 3D View (BETA) Viewing Revit Files (BETA) Resources & Training Material Document History Viewing Revit Files(BETA) IMPORTANT NOTE Uploading and Viewing Revit Files using Trimble Connect for Windows is an early access beta feature which has limited support for Revit file versions. The...
(m_commandData.Application.ActiveUIDocument.Document, elevation); //createDoc.NewViewPlan(newLevel.Name, newLevel, Autodesk.Revit.DB.ViewPlanType.FloorPlan); ViewPlan viewPlan = ViewPlan.Create(m_Doc, floorPlanId, newLevel.Id); viewPlan.Name = newLevel.Name; m_levels.Add(elevation, new...
Revit二次开发最有用最经典的一个APP Revit⼆次开发最有⽤最经典的⼀个APP 同事发现的,很经典。使⽤程序调⽤Revit界⾯上的按钮(即Revit⾃⾝的命令)⽐如:1.将视图转为3D视图 uiApp.ActiveUIDocument.Application.PostCommand(RevitCommandId.LookupPostableCommandId(PostableCommand.Default3DView))...
A post in the forum mentions that “I have a list of Walls and I want to create a new View3D with the same walls but containing only the ‘Structure’ function layers”. We can do this nicely with the Part functionality and the Revit API. ...
View3D.CreatePerspective();创建透视三维视图; Creation.Document.NewViewDrafting(); ViewPlan.Create();创建平面视图; ViewPlan.CreateAreaPlan();创建面积平面视图; ViewSchedule.CreateViewList();创建视图列表; ViewSchedule.CreateKeynoteLegend();创建注释记号图例; ...
To create 3D isometric view use theSelection Boxtool users simply select the element(s) they would like to isolate in a 3D isometric view and then select theSelection Boxtool from the View panel on the Ribbon. Revit will open the Default 3D View with a section box around the element(s)...