Project Location Project location Query Cloud Points Query Point Cloud points and colours Query Shared Sites Get all document shared sites Query Site Locations Get all document site locations Site Location Identity Site location identity Data Structure Components Add Analytical Member Given its location cu...
Revit Collaboration Local File is Corrupt "Data in file XXX - Cloud.rvt is corrupt and needs to be manually recovered. Please contact Autodesk Support." I have contacted Autodesk Support, and they referred me to this forum. The above message is what I receive when I try to...
Revit与网络(NAS/SAN)和云文件存储的互操作性。 原因:随着新文件存储选项的出现和旧版本选项的更为易于使用,了解Revit如何使用各种文件存储解决方案非常重要。 解决方案:Revit旨在与Microsoft Windows和Windows文件系统配合使用并支持它。如果某项技术试图模拟Windows或文...
Team members with these local models won’t be able to use any worksharing function. You can use Save As to save the file, which will then allow the ability to reinitiate cloud worksharing.Restore Local BackupThe locally cached copy of the model could be ...
Users reported that when opening a local or cloud workshared model the following message appears: Requested service not available It looks like the requested service is currently unavailable. Please try again. The linked model could not be found. The mes
问题: 打开包含从 Revit 中的 Desktop Connector 载入链接的云模型时,显示“[文件名] 中的数据已损坏,需要手动恢复”。 从云中下载同一文件并将其保存在本地后,可能会毫无警告地打开该文件。 原因: 从 Desktop Connector 加载 RVT 文件时,Revit 可能会将其视...
local file(2) local files(3) local files gone(1) Location(2) location lines(1) locked(1) Loft(1) Loft and sweep(1) Login(1) logo(1) Lookup(1) lookup table(1) Lookup Tables(2) Loss and-or change of geometry upon ifc export(1) louvre(1) Lumion(4) ...
I've got a request for you: it would be possible to manage Point Cloud linked file (*.RCS or *.RCP)? It would be the best thing if these file can be handled in a separate tab. Thanks for your work! Reply Great Tool Brian Zuzik |April 26, 2018Verified Download(What's this?) ...
Let’s start with some enhanced content on the Naviate Cloud Browser. You will now have access to over 20 preconfigured pile caps that are optimised for our pile scheduling workflows. These have been created for Revit 2023, 2024 and 2025. ...
,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 1. 首先,确保你正在查看的Revit视图中存在临时隐藏的图元。临时隐藏的图元通常是通过隐藏命令或者隐藏元素的过滤器进行隐藏的。 2. 在Revit的菜单栏中,选择“...