问题: 如何在Revit中更改默认族文件位置 解决方案: 打开“文件”菜单(2019之前版本中蓝色大R)。 单击“选项”。 单击“文件位置”,然后单击“放置” 单击绿色+号以创建新线。 为库命名(例如“我的公司”库) 在“库路径”字段中单击,然后导航到保存公司族的文件夹。
FamilySymbolProfile:由轮廓族类型定义的轮廓,可以用NewFamilySymbolProfile(FamilySymbol)将轮廓族转换成放样轮廓线; profileLocationCurveIndex用来指明轮廓线放置的位置,可以放到拉伸的起点、终点或者其他位置;profilePlaneLocation将放样轮廓线放在哪个平面上; 放样融合: 放样融合是放样和融合两种方式的综合体; 一个轮廓沿着...
从中心模型创建本地模型时,本地模型仅可用于创建本地模型的用户名(在 Revit 中定义)。此消息指出当前 Revit 用户名与用于创建本地模型(正在访问的用户名)不匹配。 解决方案: 用户名已更改 如果在更改 Autodesk Account 的用户名后遇...
- Now has a new dialog for saving advanced settings with the ability to save the spreadsheet to a user-specified location every time the settings are loaded using the Spreadsheet Link Express dialog - Now has the ability to change the faily type of an instance if the "Family Type" built-...
To change views you must reimport the Revit model and select the desired view. The Revit model is imported into an Inventor assembly with the same name as the Revit file. Compare import results in the Model browser The model browser populates differently based on the method used. This ...
get_change_type_parameter get_valid_types is_valid_type AnnotationSymbolTypeSet AnnotationSymbolTypeSetIterator Arc == Architecture BoundaryLocationType format get_name get_names get_underlying_type get_values is_defined parse to_object try_parse wall_center wall_core_center...
If you also wish to save your sheet PDFs locally to your computer, check the Save sheets on the computer box next to Upload sheets in the bottom right of the window. Change the save location by clicking on it, then navigating to your preferred directory and clicking Select folder. ...
If the PacCache folder is not listed under your local user, this is another good indication the process is not running. Typical file location: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Revit Check the Revit accelerator by reviewing the journal for PAC Hit / PAC Miss. At least one PAC ...
The file attached is saved by R2016R2 version. If running the macro the grid leaders don’t change, please click ‘edit’ button of the macro, compile it then run it again. ( Remember to enable the macro when opening the file.)
Is it possible to change the default location of the CollaborationCache folder in Revit "This computer does not have enough memory..." when opening or saving a specific model in Revit Is it possible to change the default location of t...