automakers increased performance but not fuel economy, contrasting with recent periods of tightening standards and rising fuel economy. This paper evaluates the welfare consequences of automakers forgoing performance increases to raise fuel economy as standards have tightened since 2012. Using a unique dat...
摘要:We study the impact of changing choice set size on the quality of choices in health insurance markets. Using novel data on enrolment and medical claims for school district employees in the state of Oregon, we document that the average employee could save $600 by switching to a lower co...
摘要:This paper studies a competitive model of insurance markets in which consumers are privately informed about their risk and risk preferences. We provide a characterization of the equilibria, which depend non-trivially on consumers’ type distribution, a desirable feature for policy analysis. The u...
During historical periods in which U.S. fuel economy standards were unchanging, automakers increased performance but not fuel economy, contrasting with recent periods of tightening standards and rising fuel economy. This paper evaluates the welfare consequences of automakers forgoing performance increases t...
the response of the economy to a change in the environment or policy into two parts: the direct response at the given (pre-tax) prices, and the equilibrium response which plays out as prices change. Our main result demonstrates that under weak regularity conditions, regardless of the details ...
of future income risk. This raises output and employment unless monetary policy raises the nominal interest rate. In an analysis of the U.S. economy over 2008–2014, UI benefit extensions had a contemporaneous output multiplier around 1. The unemployment rate would have been as much as 0.4 pp...
Review of the EconomyThe Annual Report of the State Bank of Pakistan for the fiscal year 1995-96 released recently...Ali, Muhammad ImtiazUniversity of Dar Es SalaamCSO (Central Statistical Office) (1986), Review of the Economy. Port-of-Spain....
the United States are the double-barreled engines of the world economy. As China's influence spreads, it will have to complement the United States to rid the world of this crisis.Ding Yifan, Deputy Director of the Institute of World Development under the Development Research Center of the ...
The Chinese Economy: Past, Present and Future Edited byTaoxiong Liu 24 October 2024 New Directions in Text Analysis in Finance and Economics Edited byCormac Bryce,Michael Dowling 2 August 2024 Urban Development and the Open Economy in China ...
-NPC deputy: Energy transition in the West relies on China’s PV industry Business How China's debut economy is transforming from "traffic frenzy" to driver of growth The concept of 'firsts' has become a new benchmark for both brand and city competitiveness ...