Reverse Words in a String Given an input string, reverse the string word by word. For example, Given s = "the sky is blue", return "blue is sky the". click to show clarification. Clarification: What constitutes a word? A sequence of non-space characters constitutes a word. Could the ...
vector<string> words; int start = int(s.length() - 1); //从后往前遍历 for (int i = start; i >= 0; --i) { if (s[i] == ' ') { words.push_back(s.substr(i + 1, start - i)); if (i != 0) start = i - 1; } } s.clear(); size_t size = words.size(); fo...
Given s = "the sky is blue", return "blue is sky the". 题目地址: 算法:先把字符串分成一个一个word放在vector里面,然后在按逆序存入原来的字符串里。代码: 1classSolution {2public:3voidreverseWords(string&s) {4vector<string> words...
思路(String 中没有多余空格) 先说没有多个空格的做法,思路很多,常见的有,直接反转原String,然后以空格为区分,再对每个单词做反转 public String reverseWords(String s) { if (s == null) { return s; } String revS = reverse(s, 0, s.length() - 1); StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); i...
Leetcode学习(6)—— Reverse Words in a String III,Givenastring,youneedtoreversetheeandinitialwordorder.Input:"Let'stakeLeetCodecontest"Output:"s'teLe
原题链接 Given an input string, reverse the string word by word. Example 1: Input: "the sky is blue" Output: "blue is sky the" Example 2: Input: " hello world! " Output: "world! hello" ...
publicStringreverseWords(Strings){if(s==null)returnnull;char[]a=s.toCharArray();intn=a.length;// step 1. reverse the whole stringreverse(a,0,n-1);// step 2. reverse each wordreverseWords(a,n);// step 3. clean up spacesreturncleanSpaces(a,n);}voidreverseWords(char[]a,intn){int...
Create a new newMessagearray that stores a reversed copy of the "word" string from the message array. Loop through each element in the message array, reverse it, and store this element in newMessage array. Join "word" strings from the array newMessage, using a space again, to create the...
Create a new newMessagearray that stores a reversed copy of the "word" string from the message array. Loop through each element in the message array, reverse it, and store this element in newMessage array. Join "word" strings from the array newMessage, using a space again, to create the...
(1) If you need to reverse words in a cell by other separators, for example space or semicolon, just enter the space or semicolon into theSeparator_charbox of Function Arguments dialog box. (2) After selecting the blank cell, you can directly enter formula=REVERSETEXT(A2,",")into it,...