Given that the “fourth angel sounded” near the end of the last chapter, the “fifth angel” is in obvious sequence, and we must consider Chapter 9 to be an unbroken continuation of Chapter 8. Furthermore, since there are three more of the seven trumpets yet to sound, [10] which are...
Sadly, I am not sure these two men would completely trust each other, and such division is the source of my tremendous sorrow concerning the body of Christ today. Dr Edward Fudge & Dr Carl Wieland ♥♥♥ 4 That they may all be one Chapter 17 of John’s gospel has always been an...
(Page 898,899) The four metals(This writer believes there are five)composing the image and are explained as symbolizing four empires (vv. 38-40), not necessarily possessing the earth but divinely authorized to do so (v. 38), and fulfilled in Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (under Alexander...
" (Chapter LXIV.—Constantine’s Edict against the Heretics. This document is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library at Calvin College). But this did not stop the Smyrnaeans. But it did ensure that true Christianity would remain outside of the mainstream of those that professed Christ. ...
The first WOE, which is also the fifth trumpet, is described in chapter 9, verses 1-11. The power that causes the destruction, this time to men, comes out of the symbolic "bottomless pit." This is interpreted in Revelation 17:8-14. There we learn that a rebirth of the ancient ROMAN...