Whether it was loyalty that kept them from repenting, or that they were so intimidated by Abaddon that they could not, is a detail yet to be explained. But one thing is clearly suggested: this assault of the armies of Wormwood, the false Christ, against the armies of Abaddon, will be ...
Compare “Here is wisdom” with “the phrase, ‘here is the mind which hath wisdom’ (ch. 17:9)” [52] where the angel tells John that “the seven heads” of the “scarlet coloured beast,” are “seven mountains,” the same “heads” depicted on the “sea beast” in this chapter...
the fourth beast (v. 7) is declared to be “the fourth kingdom,” i.e. the Roman Empire, the “iron” kingdom of ch. 2. The “ten horns” upon the fourth beast (Roman Empire), v. 7, are declared to be “ten kings that shall arise” (v. 24), answering to the ten toes...
The λόγος τῆς ὑπομονῆς of the Lord dare not, however, be explained: “the word which among other commandments contains that of patience also,” an explanation which is incorrectly ascribed to Grot., who, as many others vacillating concerning the relation of the...
Though the conjunction looks at first glance like a scribal clarification, its omission may be explained on the basis of its similarity to the last three letters of the verb “repent” (μετανόησον, metanoēson; since οὖν is a postpositive conjunction in Greek, the final ...
Phi ladelphia is informed of the coming of "the hour of t ri a I whi ch sha II come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth" (3:10). Here a universal trauma is forespoken. Martyrdom for many is foreseen in 6:9, where the souls of the martyrs are depi c...
Most weights, measures, and monetary units are also explained in footnotes on the pages where they occur in the ESV text. Biblical Unit Approximate American and Metric Equivalents Biblical Equivalent bath A bath was about 6 gallons or 22 liters 1 ephah beka A beka was about 1/5 ounce...
27 he[ch] will rule[ci] them with an iron rod[cj]and like clay jars he will break them to pieces,[ck] 28 just as I have received the right to rule[cl] from my Father—and I will give him the morning star.[cm] 29 The one who has an ear had better hear what the Spirit say...