Out of the frying pan, into the sci-fi political commentary. It seems Bacigalupi is onto something with this entertaining, award-winning 2009 novel. The world of The Windup Girl is ravaged by the folly of genetic tampering, or “genehacking,” and the lethal repercussions of globalization....
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(4) Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee.--Better, I have against thee that thou didst let go. This is the fault, and it is no trifle which is blamed, as the word "somewhat" (which is not to be found in the original) might be taken to...
i.e. believers of the Church Age, will also share this rule seems evident in that the Church, having part in the first resurrection, will “reign with him [Christ] a thousand years” (Rev. 20:6). Cp. Rom. 8:17; 2 Tim. 2:10-12; 1 Pet. 2:9; Rev. 1:6; 3:21; 5:...
Others believe that despite the seven lamped lampstand being mentioned in Zechariah 4:2, that Revelation 1:12 is referring to seven individual lampstands as the Greek does not distinguish (see Pulpit Commentary). Presuming it does, as candles go out, the light/flame can be passed from one ...
http://www.WhatSaithTheScripture.com/ COMMENTARY ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION Or, A Disclosure From Jesus Christ About What Must Shortly Come To Pass by Tom Stewart CHAPTERS 1-19 ONLY (in progress) Question: Why should you study this Book? Answer: "That the God of our LORD Jesus Christ, ...
EXPOSITORY (ENGLISH BIBLE) Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers(10) Because thou hast kept (better, didst keep) the word of my patience.—The one who keeps God’s word is kept. Such is “the benigna talio of the kingdom of God,” as Archbishop Trench calls it. The promise does ...