The Eastern church gives little evidence of particular interest in the book of Revelation. Oecumenius of Isauria's commentary on the book is the earliest full treatment in Greek and dates only from the early sixth century. Along with Oecumenius's commentary, only that of Andrew of Caesarea ...
On the Revelation of Commentaries in the Jie An Edition of the Peach Blossom Fan to Its Plotting Method There are many commentaries at the top of the pages and the end of every chapter of the extant earliest block- printed edition of the Peach Blossom Fan鈥擩... Y Wang,SO Literature,Z...
37.Bonar Commentary on Revelation 38.Chrysostom Homilies 39.Spurgeon's Treasury of David - Psalms 40.Newell Commentary - Romans, Revelation 41.Bliss - A Brief Commentary on the Apocalypse 42.A Commentary on Acts of the Apostles – Mcgarvey 43.Calvin's Commentaries 44.Commentary on Genesis, Vo...
See on Christianbook using exact ISBN Also, see theBest Revelation commentariesto learn more. Tier Three: Book Series #21-30 Most of the series in tier three are narrowly focused by design and therefore have limited audiences. This characteristic means their readership is not as widespread as ...
Brief silence.Then, in mock revelation, he blurts out the answer: “Lower the water!” It is fascinating to note how the mind works. When I first thought about writing this article,thatjoke flashed into my mind despite the passage of decades since the fifties. Now, the ‘woke’ people ...
This is in reference to the student's post on this verse. My thought of this verse is that “the large letters by his own hand” refers not to the length of the epistle written of his revelation of Jesus Christ and concern for the Galatian believers (or in fact any of the other chu...
John in the Book of Revelation.” The PCUSA website introduces the subject of All Saints Day by saying, “In early Christian tradition, saints’ days began as a way to mark the anniversary of a martyr’s death — his or her “birthday” as a saint. By the middle of the church’s ...
(a) This is not uncommon in the prophetic writings. See the notes atDaniel 7:24-28. (See also Editor's Preface to volume on Revelation.) (b) Daniel had been making inquiry respecting the seventy "years," and it is natural to suppose that the answer of the angel would have respect ...
》(個人出版);合著著作:《與我共遊奇幻國度:魔戒導讀》(校園)、《活出基督:1999研經培靈會彙編》(華神);譯作有:《神.啟示.權威》(God, Revelation and Authority)、《早期基督教教義》(Early Christian Doctrines)、《新約經文鑑別學》(The Text of the New Testament)、《懷疑:心懷二意》(Doubt: Faith in...
Of God, Christ, and the Gospel; not only bow the ear and bend the mind to these things, but importunately and fervently pray for them; not only attend the ministry of the word by men, but cry to God to give the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of divine and ...