Whether it was loyalty that kept them from repenting, or that they were so intimidated by Abaddon that they could not, is a detail yet to be explained. But one thing is clearly suggested: this assault of the armies of Wormwood, the false Christ, against the armies of Abaddon, will be ...
Our tour guide Alex is very good, hes very knowledgeable and he explained the stops pretty well :) thank you! Read more Written February 1, 2025 711Marshall 0 contributions Book instead of cruise shore excursion We had a wonderful tour with Tansu. W...
that attempts have been made to harmonise Genesis with the increasingly popular ideas of geologists promoting the notion of slow and gradual change and the concept that the past can be explained in terms of forces we observe in the present. ...
Satan causes these fearful sights of a supernatural character, that cannot be explained scientifically, as further proof of his power as Christ, and reinforces belief in him by professing Christians (represented by the red horse of Revelation 6:4). However, the avowed unbelievers, represented by...
This should be explained as a verbal hendiadys, the first verb serving adverbially in the clause (see further GKC 386-87 §120.g). Job 10:16 tn The form is the Hitpael of פָּלָא (palaʾ,“to be wonderful; to be surpassing; to be extraordinary”). Here in this ...
I’ve explained these two psy-ops and how they are simply two sides of the same coin, two different paths leading to the same outcome. So, with this in mind, why wouldn’t both of these poles have their own Antichrist? Both opposites were created, and is being controlled, by those in...
χειρ. αὐτ., which in itself is readily intelligible, explained, but an authentic interpretation is also given to the expression τ. ἔργ. τ. χειρ. αὐτ., which it is here impossible to designate as the entire course of life,[2672]—which by no means follows ...
Though the conjunction looks at first glance like a scribal clarification, its omission may be explained on the basis of its similarity to the last three letters of the verb “repent” (μετανόησον, metanoēson; since οὖν is a postpositive conjunction in Greek, the final ...
(Page 898,899) The four metals(This writer believes there are five)composing the image and are explained as symbolizing four empires (vv. 38-40), not necessarily possessing the earth but divinely authorized to do so (v. 38), and fulfilled in Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece (under Alexander...
While the significance of the seven heads (explained later in Chapter 17), and the “ten horns” (also explained later in Chapter 18) is somewhat ambiguous at this point, the “name of blasphemy” on its seven “heads” is readily understandable as the hypocritical, slanderous attempt by th...